Walmart Cart pusher Job Description, Duties, and Salaries
Job description and job specification

Walmart Cart pusher Job Description, Duties, and Salaries

What parents will gladly accept or appraise a son and daughter whose future ambition is a Walmart cart pusher? No parents, rather such a child will be criticized, insulted, and given more attention for grooming.

I remembered while growing we were discussing what we’d like to become in the future, then a cousin of mine said he’d like to become a salesboy in the future. We laughed and insulted him for his dumbness, unknown to us, not everyone will do a white-collar job, the best thing to do is to do that which makes you happy and give your best wherever you find yourself.

In the 70s, 80s, and 90s parents wants their kids to become lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc because it is considered the paying skills while the 21st-century parents all want their kids to go into tech because it is the new money waves, but there are some good-paying jobs out there where one can learn communication, interpersonal relation, value life and appreciate those around them.

Such of those Jobs is a Walmart Pusher, but most people don’t see it as a good Job because to them, it is the last resort when you have no Job forthcoming, but it is never so. All parts are good in as much as it is no fraud, it is your style that gives a boost to the Job.

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What is the Job Description of a Walmart Cart Pusher?

Have you ever been to a mall? Did you see someone returning cards to their places, clearing parking lots, or assisting you in moving your purchase to your Car? If yes, the person doing that for you is called a Cart Pusher.

Walmart Cart pushers are found at malls, retail stores, grocery stores, airports, etc. This is work for someone healthy and physically fit, because the job requires standing and walking all day long.

They don’t communicate much with people as they are often ignored by people, but they are the network of the organization as through observation, they learn and know things.

The Educational experience required for qualification is not much. The requirements include;

  • Diploma,
  • SSCE or GED,
  • Minimum required age is 16 or 18

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Duties of a Walmart Cart Pusher

A Walmart cart pusher is not saddled with many duties or responsibilities, however, their tasks include;

  • Emptying trash can and picking stray specks of dirt from the parking lot,
  • Returning Carts to their places,
  • Assisting customers with lifting their purchase to their cars,
  • Inspecting Carts for fault,
  • Answering petty questions from customers,
  • They are sometimes responsible for keeping the parking lot clean.

Salary of a Walmart Cart pusher

A Walmart Cart pusher’s salary varies depending on sales, and location, but often the pay ranges from $9 to $11.37 per hour while some organizations pay monthly.

Basic Skills required of a Walmart Cart Pusher

A Walmart Cart Pusher like every other worker must possess some soft skills if not much.

  • Observation skill: You must always be alert to observe every customer and Cart.
  • Communication skill: Although it is a job that doesn’t require much communication, the skill is needed for little interaction with Teams and customers.
  • Labor skill: The task of a Cart pusher is to move things around with their hand, so he,/she must have a laboring skill that helps them function even under stress.
  • Listening skill: A listening ear to listen to customers’ problems and proffering solutions is needed.
  • Coordination skill: There must be the ability to work faster, carefully, and efficiently. This skill is needed for the arrangement of Carts as well as Interaction with a team.

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A Walmart cart pusher is saddled with a straightforward task. It is the best go for someone who loves to work in an active environment. It is a job that gives freedom to work outside alongside taking small breaks. Most workers work on shifts, however, on days where the organization is short of staff, they are expected to fill in.

A Walmart Cart pusher is one of the important arms of an organization, but we often pay them no attention or are spoken to rudely.

How do you view a Walmart cart pusher? How do you react to them? When next you visit a Mall, smile and say nice words to them, they deserve it. If you find this helpful and insightful, share it with your friends and loved ones.