22 Effective Ways to Promote Your Sticker Business
Business Insight

22 Effective Ways to Promote Your Sticker Business

Looking for effective ways to promote your sticker business, check out our highly effective tactics to get the word out about your amazing stickers and grow your customer base.

Starting a sticker business can be an incredibly fun and rewarding venture.

Whether you make stickers for crafts, planners, journals, decorators, kids, or any other niche – stickers are popular!

However, a creative sticker product alone is not enough to guarantee success. You also need to master promoting your new business effectively.

Keep reading for effective tactics to get the word out about your amazing stickers and grow your customer base.

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Effective Ways to Promote Your Sticker Business

Here are the best ways to promote your sticker business:

1. Create Eye-Catching Packaging

Your packaging design is a critical component of your branding and promotion.

Dedicate time to designing custom bags, sleeves, boxes, or other enclosures that reflect your sticker business’s unique personality and style.

It should grab people’s attention at craft fairs, tradeshows, and retail displays while also looking professional.

Awesome packaging entices customers to pick your product for a closer look.

It also enhances the unboxing experience which leads to social media shares and word-of-mouth promotion when happy customers show off your stickers.

Invest in quality packaging that promotes your brand in the best light!

2. Build a Compelling Website

In today’s digital age, your website is at the core of your promotions. Your site should have beautiful visuals, clear branding, and a seamless user experience.

Make sure product pages have detailed descriptions, high-quality images, pricing info, and calls to action to purchase your stickers.

Blogging, email list sign-ups, special offers, and testimonials also add promotional value to your site.

Optimizing your website for keywords and speed will improve your search ranking so more potential buyers can discover your business online.

Don’t launch a sticker company without an awesome website to direct people to!

3. Run Targeted Social Media Ads

Social media advertising presents a huge opportunity to get your stickers in front of ideal customers.

You can run Facebook and Instagram ads targeted to users based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.

Create special offers like giveaways or discounts only for social followers. Video ads highlighting your sticker manufacturing process also help you stand out on social feeds.

Pay close attention to your audience analytics to double down on ads that resonate best.

The right social media promotions will skyrocket brand awareness.

4. Be Strategic With Pricing Deals

Pricing promotions effectively takes some savvy. Don’t make the rookie mistake of discounting too often or severely.

This actually devalues your stickers in buyers’ eyes. Instead, offer special deals at strategic times.

Run limited-time sales for major holidays, new product launches, or tied to special events related to your niche.

Bundle and loyalty discounts are also smart. Just balance promotions with full-price sales so you don’t condition customers to only buy when it’s cheap.

Keep pricing deals intentional, not reactionary.

5. Partner With Influencers

Influencer marketing taps into the vast reach and impact of creatives with loyal social media audiences aligned with your business.

Pay micro-influencers related to your niche to feature your stickers in posts, videos, stories, and livestreams.

Properly executed, these promoted posts drive high engagement and clicks with fantastic conversion rates.

Even small accounts under 50K followers make a noticeable impact.

Provide influencers discount codes and custom stickers to feature while tracking sales from their promos.

6. Run Giveaways & Contests

Consumers love winning free stuff! Announce sticker giveaways and contests to generate buzz.

Ask people to follow you, share posts, or submit user-generated content for a chance to win free sticker packs.

Tie contests to holidays or topics related to your niche for maximum appeal.

The excitement of winning some cool stickers gets more eyeballs on your brand.

Offering a few free products in exchange for greater reach is a marketer’s dream. Just craft engaging rules and keep it legal.

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7. Network at Events

Local craft fairs, trade conventions, and sticker-related events offer prime opportunities to network face-to-face.

Come prepared with plenty of samples, business cards, flyers, and displays that trigger conversations.

Chat with fellow creators, brands, influencers, buyers, and anyone else that fits your customer profile.

Share your passion and story while making authentic connections. Events also provide a captive audience if allowed to pitch your brand on stage.

Just avoid hard sales pitches in favor of organic relationship building.

8. Run Retargeting Ads

Retargeting (or remarketing) ads reach people who already visited your website or social profiles but haven’t purchased yet.

These remind people about your stickers as they browse other sites. The familiarity from a previous visit makes them more likely to click and convert.

For best results, create custom audiences on Google and Facebook based on activity and visit history.

Then tailor your repeat messaging to nudge them closer to a sale with special offers.

Retargeting is one of the most criminally underused promotional tactics for any business.

9. Guest Blog For Exposure

Reaching out to request guest blogging spots on top blogs in your niche helps expand your audience.

Strive to share unique perspectives on sticker-related topics to provide value for blog readers.

In exchange for the article, the blog editor will include a short bio with links back to your website.

Pitch creative posts showcasing your expertise while driving ideal traffic to your site.

Just be sure to avoid overt product pitches in articles or it looks spammy. Focus on informative content first and foremost.

10. Create Video Tutorials

Engaging videos invite people into your brand in an intimate way. Promote your stickers by creating fun tutorials for DIY projects and crafts using them.

Post these on YouTube, TikTok, and other visual platforms.

Casually mention your website or products as needed, but avoid hard sells.

Viewers will remember your brand for the knowledge while telling friends to check out your cool videos.

User-generated videos are also amazing if customers post their own sticker project tutorials. Encourage it!

11. Launch Hashtag Campaigns

Launching custom hashtags related to your stickers gives people a way to share and engage with your brand online.

You can start broader campaigns like #ShowUsYourStickers or get very specific like #PlannerStickersFrom[YourBrand].

Monitor the hashtags and interact with everyone posting. Contests can encourage more participation and shares.

You want your branded hashtags to spread organically because people love sharing stickers they use in their creative projects. Make it easy!

12. Grow Your Email List

Building an email subscriber list delivers huge promotional potential. You can send newsletters with product updates, specials, tutorials, and valuable content to keep your brand top of mind.

Offer an opt-in discount or freebie to incentivize sign-ups. Promote your list on your website, order packaging, receipts, and across social channels.

Just avoid spammy over-emailing that hurts your deliverability. Nurture email subscribers as high-value followers of your brand.

13. Run Facebook/Instagram Ads

Take advantage of Meta’s (Facebook and Instagram’s parent company) massive user base by running paid ads.

You can target very specific demographics and interests relevant to your niche.

For example, reach women ages 25-40 interested in crafting, planners, stationery, etc.

Effective visuals and copy tailored to various audiences help your ads stand out in their feeds.

You only pay when users click. Allocate a solid ad budget to continually test new creative and messaging.

Meticulous experimentation results in winning ad strategy.

14. Partner With Retailers

Approach local craft, gift, stationery, and bookstores to inquire about selling your stickers on consignment or wholesale.

Having products stocked in retail locations expands your physical availability beyond just online sales.

Make sure to pitch retailers a healthy profit margin on wholesale orders.

Offer promotional materials like displays, samples, or signage to help their sales staff upsell your stickers.

Building relationships with store buyers and providing stellar customer service ensures repeat business.

15. Print Promotional Materials

Don’t ignore the power of classic print promotional items. Well-designed stickers, hang tags, banners, posters, t-shirts, postcards, and flyers help reinforce awareness of your brand.

Hand out flyers and stickers at relevant local spots and events. Mailers get attention while remaining more affordable than brochures.

Postcards also allow beautiful designs to showcase your products.

Print materials feel authentic when done creatively. Just stick within your branding guidelines.

16. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

Providing an incredible customer service experience might be the best long-term promotional investment.

Respond to all inquiries and orders quickly with thoughtful, friendly communication.

Surprise people with extras like thank you notes, samples, and coupons in orders. Seek feedback and testimonials.

Guiding people from sale to satisfaction to advocacy is the ultimate goal. Delivering exceptional service earns genuine word-of-mouth referrals.

17. Host Giveaways On Your Site

Product giveaways on your own website are a smart lead-generating tactic with great follow-up potential.

You can offer a free sticker set or variety pack in exchange for an email address.

Use the contact info to build your subscriber list. Follow up with newsletter subscriptions, surveys on their purchase intent, and special discount offers.

Website giveaways also boost your on-site visits, social shares, and organic search traffic. The initial freebie leads to future sales.

18. Share User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) provides authentic peer promotion when customers post their own images featuring your stickers.

Identify UGC by monitoring hashtags, checking your tags, or running contests promoting participation.

With permission, you can reshare UGC across your social channels and website.

It carries more weight coming from real customers versus you posting about your own brand repetitively.

Credit all creators and ask to use future UGC in marketing materials. People love seeing themselves reposted!

19. Write Guest Articles

Approach industry websites and niche blogs about contributing articles as a guest writer. Avoid direct product pitches.

Instead, provide value by covering sticker business tips, craft trends, creative uses for stickers, or other topics that align with each publication’s audience.

Including a bio with a link back to your sticker shop cements the promotional angle. Blog editors are often thrilled to publish expert articles.

Make sure your writing provides legit value before loosely dropping links to your website. Write to inform and entertain first.

20. Collaborate With Other Brands

Collaborations, co-branding, and cross-promotions tap into the existing audiences of partnered brands.

Join forces with stationery companies, planner brands, craft influencers, or complementary businesses to design joint sticker collections.

Co-brand the product packaging and take turns promoting the launch to each other’s email lists and social media feeds.

Fans of their brand get exposed to your business and vice versa.

Multi-brand collaborations also increase media and buyer appeal. Choose partners strategically.

21. Exhibit At Trade Shows

Industry trade shows provide unparalleled access to highly engaged prospects under one roof.

Meeting face-to-face allows you to form connections and demonstrate your products in a tactile way.

Have an assortment of sticker packs, signage with branding and offerings, promo items, and display tools on hand.

Talk to everyone who enters your exhibit space to share your passion.

Collect buyer business cards, get contact info for newsletter signups, and invite people to visit your website and social pages.

Trade shows demand investment but deliver phenomenal brand visibility.

22. Team Up With Sales Reps

Expanding your sales reach through resellers provides powerful promotion – especially into bigger retail chains.

Independent sales reps already have relationships with key accounts.

They pitch your products to increase shelf space regionally or nationally in relevant stores.

Offer sales reps generous commissions and support so your brand benefits from their expertise.

Make it easy to order samples and marketing materials. Sales reps open doors to new markets that are very difficult to penetrate alone.

They add niche expertise that maximizes your growth.


Marketing your passion sticker business wisely is the key to making sales and establishing brand loyalty.

Dedicate time to crafting beautiful packaging designs, a stellar website, engaging social media, and useful content to draw in your audience.

Strategic partnerships, influencer promotions, retail shelf space, tradeshows, giveaways, and paid ads expand awareness with new demographics.

Stay focused on providing value through quality products, services, and information that improves people’s lives.

That spirit will always be the most effective promotion for your sticker brand.

Just get out there, stick to your marketing plan, and start spreading the word!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much should I budget for marketing stickers?

Industry experts recommend allocating 5-10% of your overall sticker revenue to marketing expenses when starting out.

So on $10,000 in annual revenue, you would spend $500-$1,000 on promotions. As you grow and see ROI, increase budgets to 15-20% of revenue.

What platforms should a sticker business market on?

The top platforms for marketing stickers are Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube based on engagement and conversion rates.

You should also have an email list, website blog, and promoter network. Offline promotions at local fairs, shops, and conventions also connect with buyers.

Should my sticker business focus on paid or organic marketing?

Sticker businesses need a healthy mix of paid and organic marketing. Paid ads, influencers, and targeted promotions deliver fast traction.

Content, SEO, social media, and word-of-mouth sustain long-term growth. Find the right balance based on your budget and audience.

How can I improve my sticker marketing over time?

Use data and analytics to track and double down on what works. Experiment with new platforms, collaborations, and activations.

Stay on top of visual, video, and social media trends. Send surveys to identify customer needs and seek product feedback.

Adapt campaigns based on ever-changing consumer behavior. Continual optimization is key.

What makes for effective sticker promotions?

Creative and eye-catching visuals, special offers or deals, influencer/blogger co-marketing, paid social advertising, strong video marketing, collaborations, in-person events, retail distribution, and exceptional customer service.

It also offers consistent brand messaging across channels all contribute to effective sticker promotions.