University of Calabar Recruitment 2020 – This information is for those that want to know more about the University of Calabar process and how to apply for the ongoing UNICAL job Vacancies.
The University of Calabar Recruitment is mainly meant that meet the specified application requirement stated below.
In this post, we will be showing somethings you need to understand above the University of Calabar application process.
About University of Calabar

The University of Calabar came into being on the strength of Decree No. 80 of 1979. Starting academic work in 1975, the University has the object of encouraging the advancement of learning and holding out to all persons without distinction to race, creed, sex, political or religious affiliation, the opportunity of acquiring higher and liberal education. The University seeks to promote courses of Instruction and other facilities for the pursuit of learning mall its branches and to make those facilities available on appropriate terms to such persons that are equipped to benefit from them.
The University of Calabar will continue to encourage and promote scholarship and conduct research in all fields of learning and all human endeavours relating to its activities to the social, cultural and economic needs of the people of Nigeria and to undertake other activities which are appropriate for a University of the highest standard.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the vacant in the the University of Calabar:
Job Title: Director of Physical Planning
Location: Calabar, Cross River
Job Requirements
- A candidate must possess a good Honours Degree in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Town and Regional Planning or related discipline not below Second Class Lower Division (22), from a recognized University or an HND from a Polytechnic and a Master of Science degree in Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning or related discipline.
- In addition, a candidate must be a registered member of the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON), Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), Town Planning Registration Council of Nigeria (TOPREC) and must have at least twelve (12) years post-graduation cognate experience.
- A candidate must have served in the position of Deputy Director of Physical Planning or similar position with a minimum of three (3) years’ experience on that post.
- Such a candidate must be proficient in ICT, particularly in Computer Aided Designs and Controls.
The salary attached to this post is CONTISS 15.
Job Title: Director of Works
Location: Calabar, Cross River
- A candidate must possess a good Honours Degree (B.Sc) not below Second Class Lower (22) or HND in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering or Civil / Building Engineering from a recognized University or Polytechnic and must be a registered member of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) or Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria (CORBON) or any other relevant professional body.
- Such a candidate must have a valid Practicing License and should show considerable degree of competence for the running of the Department.
- In addition, applicant must have a minimum of Twelve (12) years post-graduation experience.
- Candidate must have served in the position of Deputy Director of Works, or similar position with a minimum of three (3) years’ experience on that post.
The salary attached to this post is CONTISS 15.
Job Title: Vice-Chancellor
Location: Calabar, Cross River
The candidate for the post of Vice-Chancellor is expected to:
- Be an acclaimed scholar who is a Professor of very high repute and must have published in academic journals that are both of National and International repute
- Have had a wide range of academic and administrative experience
- Be on the rank of Professor for at least 9 years by 1st December, 2020.
- Provide administrative leadership to a well-informed and articulate local academic community
- Be a fair-minded and dynamic individual with a reputation that is impeccable in his dealing with people at all levels
- Possess requisite and relevant managerial experience to be able to provide leadership to the University
- Enjoy certified excellent medical and mental health
- Be a person of proven probity and integrity
- Be a well exposed and informed person possessing skills in communication technology, appreciating the consequences of ICT in the contemporary knowledge industry
- Be a tested and excellent manager of resources
- Must not be more than 65 years of age by 1st December, 2020
Conditions of Service
- A Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a single term of 5 years.
- The remunerations and other conditions of service shall be as applicable in Nigerian Federal Universities and or as may be approved by the Governing Council of the University from time to time.
How to Apply for University of Calabar job
All those interested in the University of Calabar recruitment should forward 15 copies of typewritten applications with copies of certificates obtained. They will attach together with 15 copies of up-to-date Curriculum Vitae giving the following details:
- Full name with surname first,
- Date and place of birth,
- Nationality,
- Permanent home address,
- Current postal address,
- Educational institutions attended with dates and qualifications obtained
- Present position / rank,
- Extra – curricular activities,
- Names and address of three referees.
All applications and referees report should be addressed and sent to:
The Registrar,
University of Calabar Calabar
Calabar – Cross River State.
Application Deadline 9th July, 2020.
- The job might not be available anymore when you visit the APPLY NOW page but we promise to always give you latest update on this offer.
- The jobs above are subject to change.
- You have to visit regularly for the latest update.
Disclaimer: Do not have any influence on the recruitment process. We assist you with every information you need in regards to the application process.
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