The Ultimate List of Gig Economy Apps - NewBalancejobs
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The Ultimate List of Gig Economy Apps

Are you looking to make extra cash on the side? There are several gig economy Apps with many opportunities—all you need to do is figure out which works best for you.

But with so many apps vying for your attention, it can be hard to know where to start.

That’s why we’ve compiled this comprehensive list of gig economy apps! Whether you’re looking for flexible gigs or a steady income, there’s something here for everyone.

We’ll show you the top platforms and what you need to know about each, so you can decide which platform is right for your financial goals.

Let’s get started!

Introduction to the Gig Economy

The gig economy is an ever-growing opportunity to make extra money on your terms.

Whether you’re a full-time professional looking for extra cash or a stay-at-home parent looking for flexible work, you can use gig economy apps to find the right job.

Gig economy apps are an easy and efficient way to find job opportunities without the hassle of searching for them yourself.

They bring employers and freelancers together in one platform, enabling freelancers to browse available jobs and apply quickly.

Gig economy apps can also match employers with potential workers based on skills and availability, making finding the perfect person for the job easier.

These apps offer a range of benefits—from convenience to flexibility—that make them attractive alternatives to traditional employment options.

Plus, they’re free to use, so why not take advantage of this incredible resource?

So explore the gig economy options and see what new opportunities await you!

Best Apps for Finding Gigs

If you want to make extra money or find extra work, look at the gig economy apps.

There are many different apps for finding gigs, and it can take time to know where to start.

So here’s our list of the best gig economy apps so you can get started quickly and easily.

1. Fiverr

Fiverr is a well-known platform for freelancers who offer services like copywriting, graphic design, programming, and more.

You can create gigs on Fiverr to advertise your services and set your rates. The platform also allows you to offer bulk orders and develop long-term client relationships.

2. Upwork

Upwork is an online platform that matches freelancers with clients looking for someone to complete various tasks such as web design, writing, virtual assistant work, data entry, and more.

Clients post job listings with their requirements and budget range, while freelancers submit competitive proposals outlining what they can do within that budget range.

3. TaskRabbit

TaskRabbit connects you with local people who need odd jobs around the house, like furniture assembly or plumbing fixes.

It’s great if you have some skills in the handyman area, plus it’s always nice to meet new people while doing odd jobs around town!

As you can see from this list, there are plenty of options for gig economy apps — all suited to different talents and abilities.

So why not take advantage of these great resources today?

Best Apps for Freelancers

Are you looking to break into the gig economy? You’re in luck—there are tons of apps available to help freelance workers find work, manage their schedules, and get paid.

Here are a few of the best apps to help you get started.

1. Fiverr

Fiverr is an online marketplace that connects people who offer digital services (like web design, translation, coding, and more) with those who need them.

It’s often utilized by freelance workers who can only take on a few projects or offer services requiring specialized skills.

On Fiverr, freelancers can set their rates and leverage the platform’s visibility to reach potential customers worldwide.

2. Upwork

Like Fiverr, Upwork is a gig platform where freelancers can showcase their skills and find clients.

However, unlike Fiverr, Upwork offers more long-term job opportunities for freelancers, so if you’re looking for repeat customers or steady income streams, this might be the app for you.

3. Task Rabbit

Task Rabbit focuses more on short-term tasks like house cleaning or repair work than longer-term digital projects.

This is an excellent resource if you find occasional work quickly without going through a lengthy application process.

Task Rabbit also requires that its employees complete a background check before they can start working on projects—so it’s one of the safest ways to kickstart your gig economy journey.

With these apps at your disposal, you’ll be able to find gigs quickly and easily—no matter what kind of freelance career you’re looking for!

Best Apps for Side Hustles

Are you looking for the perfect gig economy app to help you find your side hustle?

Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of our favorite apps that make it easy to make extra cash.

1. Airbnb

Airbnb is one of the most popular apps for people looking to rent their homes or rooms short-term.

Air-bnb is incredibly flexible, as hosts can choose how often to make their space available and for how long.

Not only that, but hosts can also set their prices, making it easy to maximize profits from your rental.

2. TaskRabbit

Task Rabbit is an app that connects you with tasks that can be completed within an hour or two.

This means you can pick up quick gigs such as furniture assembly, deliveries, cleaning, and more!

TaskRabbit makes it incredibly easy to find these quick gigs, so it’s an excellent choice for someone looking for extra cash.

3. Lyft and Uber

If you’re searching for a way to bring in some extra income without committing long-term, becoming a driver with companies like Lyft and Uber is a great option.

You set your schedule and work when it is convenient for you while still having the potential to make some serious money!

Plus, depending on where you live and what kind of vehicle you have available, you may also qualify for incentives or bonuses.

Apps similar to shiftsMart

Are you looking for an app to help you find part-time work in the gig economy? Then ShiftsMart is your go-to platform!

This app makes it possible to find part-time jobs and earn extra cash quickly. Plus, you can pick flexible hours that fit your busy schedule.

But if Shiftsmart doesn’t quite meet your needs, don’t worry! There are plenty of other apps that offer similar features. Here are just a few:

1. Gigwalk

This app is perfect for those needing a flexible job that fits their current commitments.

It pays users for completing simple tasks such as surveys or taking pictures at specific locations.

2. Fiverr

With Fiverr, you can use your skills to get paid from anywhere in the world.

This platform allows freelancers to set their schedules and offers tasks such as illustration, writing, video editing, and more.

3. Uber

If you own a car and have some spare time, Uber is a great way to start earning money in the gig economy.

All it takes is to sign up on the app and pick up passengers near you!

Best Apps for Renting/Sharing Resources

Are you looking to save money by renting or sharing resources? You might not know it, but the gig economy has made renting and sharing easier than ever!

Here’s a list of the best apps for finding and accessing resources quickly and painlessly.

1. Airbnb

Do you need a place to stay for the night but want to avoid splashing out for a hotel? Airbnb is perfect for you.

Airbnb connects you with hosts worldwide willing to rent out their spaces for short-term stays, so you can find something that suits your needs and budget.

2. Getaround

Fancy exploring a new city by car without worrying about finding parking or dealing with public transport?

Getaround is an app that allows you to search for cars available in your area, rent them out by the day, week, or month and drop them off wherever needed.

It’s like having access to an entire fleet of cars without owning one yourself!

3. Uhaul

Moving house can be stressful enough without having to worry about getting a van and finding someone who knows how to drive one.

Uhaul is here to help. The app makes finding and renting trucks or vans in your area easy.

Moreover, Uhaul’s customer service team is always on hand if you need help.

How to Protect Yourself as a Gig Worker

Being a gig worker has its perks but comes with certain risks. That’s why it’s crucial to understand how to protect yourself on the job.

Fortunately, there are many easy steps you can take to help stay safe and secure while working in the gig economy:

1. Check Business Reviews

It’s always wise to check out the reviews of any business you’ll be working for before committing to the job.

If a company or individual has a bad reputation for not paying promptly, that’s not a risk worth taking.

You should also look into any safety track records and review ratings from previous customers or workers.

2. Have a Backup Plan

It’s wise to have another job lined up in case your gig ends unexpectedly. It also pays to have an emergency fund for unexpected expenses like medical bills or repairs.

Having a reliable source of income allows you peace of mind as you navigate the gig economy.

3. Get Insurance

Getting additional insurance is vital when you’re in the gig economy. Make sure you have worker’s compensation, disability, and general liability insurance if possible.

That way, you can rest assured that any accident or injury is covered if something goes wrong while on the job.


No matter what type of gig you’re hoping to snag, a mobile app can help you make it happen.

The gig economy apps listed above are great options for anyone looking to take control of their professional lives and make a side income.

Gig economy apps offer flexibility, convenience, and freedom. Plus, because many of them are tailored toward an individual’s specific skills, they allow users to hone their craft and perfect their skillset.

Whether you desire to supplement your income or make a career change, an app can help.

Take advantage of the gig economy – it could be the key to unlocking your dreams!