How to Start a Loaded Tea Business in 2024 (See Step-by-Step Guide)
Business Insight

How to Start a Loaded Tea Business in 2024 (See Step-by-Step Guide)

Loaded teas are all the rage right now, so if you wish to start a loaded tea business, you can be sure of profit.

Tea shops are popping up across the United States, selling creatively flavored and topped teas that are as Instagram-worthy as they are tasty.

From fruit purees to hand-whipped creams, the possibilities for decked-out teas are endless.

If you have a passion for tea, creativity in the kitchen, and an entrepreneurial spirit, a loaded tea business could be the perfect venture to launch in 2024.

Read on for a complete step-by-step guide to get your own loaded tea shop up and running this year.

A Growing Trend with Loyal Fans

Loaded teas go far beyond your average cup of hot tea. The “loaded” description refers to all the toppings and mix-in flavors that set these specialty drinks apart.

Customers love loaded teas for their layered flavors and textures as well as their sheer visual appeal.

Pictures of towering loaded teas dripping with fruit and topped high with cream attract fans on social media.

The loaded tea trend has its roots in Asia, with bubble and milk teas being popular for years.

As those drink styles expanded in the US, loaded teas emerged as an American spin combining flavors like cheesecake, lemonade, and more.

Major loaded tea sellers like The Alley and Gong Cha have seen rapid growth. Even Starbucks is moving into the market with its own creations.

As the category expands, there’s still ample room for new loaded tea businesses to stake a claim with local customers.

How to Start a Loaded Tea Business in 2024

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to start a loaded tea business:

1. Develop Your Menu of Loaded Tea Drinks

The possibilities for loaded tea combinations are endless, limited only by your imagination.

That means the key to your menu will be exploring flavors and conceptualizing crave-worthy creations that will have fans buzzing.

Popular loaded tea flavors include:

  • Fruits like mango, strawberry, and passionfruit
  • Dessert flavors like cheesecake, cookies & cream, s’mores
  • Drinks like lemonade, chai, and matcha
  • Herbal add-ins like lavender and mint

You’ll want a balance of classic loaded tea varieties along with a few signature options exclusive to your shop. Offer tea bases like green, black, oolong, white, and chai.

The mix-in toppings take loaded teas to the next level. Whipped creams, fruit purees, and boba tapioca pearls are customer favorites.

You can also incorporate jelly, sprinkles, honey, and other surprises.

2. Craft Your Loaded Tea Business Brand

With your menu down, it’s time to focus on branding your loaded tea business. This includes your store name, logo, packaging, and interior aesthetics.

Your name should be catchy and descriptive. For example, names like The Loaded Leaf or Lord of the Teas convey the focus on loaded teas.

Logos will appear on your cups, menus, website and more. Opt for something clean and modern with tea or fruit imagery. Vibrant colors that reflect your flavors are great.

Durable and eco-friendly packaging is a must. Customers will love sipping from reusable cups with your branding. Compostable cups and sleeves are options too.

Create an inviting ambiance with comfy seating, natural light, soft music, and displays of fruits or tea tins. A vibrant, playful vibe aligns well with the loaded tea concept.

3. Outfit Your Commercial Kitchen

A loaded tea business requires some unique kitchen equipment to craft those picture-perfect drinks.

Must-have items include:

  • Commercial blender for purees
  • Mixer for whipped creams
  • Tea brewing systems with many pots
  • Refrigeration for fruits, juices, milk, etc.
  • Ice machine
  • Sinks for washing fruits and cleaning
  • Spice racks for syrups and mix-ins
  • Storage for dry ingredients like boba

Aim for an open kitchen floor plan that lets customers watch the tea creation process. It adds to the visual appeal that’s core to loaded teas.

Having well-organized equipment and ingredients will ensure efficient workflow when orders start rolling in. Invest in quality gear made for high volume.

4. Find the Right Retail Location

Scouting the right location is critical for any retail business. For a loaded tea shop, consider foot traffic patterns, proximity to colleges, parking, and rent prices.

Busy downtowns and pedestrian areas that attract a younger demographic are ideal.

Areas near schools and office buildings help drive sales during the work week.

Make sure the space has the capacity for plenty of seating since loaded teas are social treats. Restaurants or coffee shops closing down can provide turnkey spots to build out.

If your budget is tight, consider a kiosk or food hall spot to test your concept before committing to a huge storefront.

Farmers markets are another way to introduce your product.

5. Build Your Team and Training Staff

A cheerful, knowledgeable staff is critical to running a smooth, loaded tea operation. Focus your hiring on people with the following traits:

  • Strong customer service skills
  • Food prep and barista experience
  • Ability to multitask
  • Enthusiasm for the product
  • Artistic and creative sensibility

Be sure to thoroughly train staff on:

  • Your menu offerings and ingredients
  • Portion sizes and presentation standards
  • Brewing teas properly
  • Operating equipment like blenders safely
  • Taking orders quickly and accurately
  • Providing excellent service even during rushes

Proper training ensures every drink comes out picture-perfect and customers feel well cared for. Treat your team well to minimize turnover.

6. Promote Your New Loaded Tea Business

With delicious drinks ready to go in a visually striking space, it’s time to spread the word! Focus your marketing efforts in these key areas:

  • Grand opening event to introduce your brand to the community. Offer free samples and deals.
  • Strong visual branding on cups, bags, apparel, etc. for community visibility.
  • Engaging social media presence with mouthwatering photos of your drinks.
  • Partnerships with local colleges, offices, and fitness studios for catering or discounts.
  • Local PR and influencer campaigns to attract media coverage.
  • Search ads and social media promotions targeting local tea drinkers.
  • Loyalty program to reward repeat customers and collect contact info.

Track key metrics like sales, foot traffic, and social media engagement to see what marketing tactics work best. Adapt efforts over time to maximize reach.

7. Loaded Tea Business Financial Considerations

Before diving in, assess the financial realities of launching a loaded tea shop. Requirements include:

  • Business license and permits
  • Commercial kitchen equipment
  • Professional buildout of retail space
  • Ingredients and packaging
  • Employee payroll
  • Insurance
  • Marketing budget

Build a business plan factoring in these costs and projected sales to determine startup funding needs.

Most entrepreneurs take out small business loans or investors to fund their loaded tea concept initially.

Ongoing, manage food costs closely by buying wholesale tea and produce. Labor is your biggest variable expense. Adjust staffing intelligently based on sales patterns.

Set competitive but profitable pricing based on drink size and complexity. Account for ingredient and labor costs in each menu item.

8. Develop New Flavors and Menu Options

As your shop establishes itself, you’ll need to keep things fresh by rolling out new loaded tea flavors and food options.

Limited-time seasonal drinks are a great way to generate buzz and sales. Your menu can evolve with trends and customer feedback.

Consider expanding into tea-infused snacks like macarons or mochi to provide more variety.

Special collaborations with local bakeries or brands are another way to pique interest. Limited releases create urgency and exclusivity.

Solicit customer flavor ideas via polls and contests. Letting guests craft combinations makes them feel invested.

Keep your loaded tea menu exciting, and customers will keep coming back for more!


Loaded teas present an exciting and still-growing business opportunity for aspiring food entrepreneurs.

With strategic planning and passion for the product, a loaded tea shop can gain traction quickly, especially in youthful markets.

Success comes down to assembling the right team, creating buzzworthy drinks, and crafting a distinct brand identity around the loaded tea experience.

Eye-catching social media and deliver an unforgettable in-store vibe.

The investment isn’t small but get the blueprint right and you can become the hottest loaded tea spot in town.

It’s an adventure, but that’s the fun of pioneering your own food and beverage concept.

Loaded Tea Business FAQ

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Loaded Tea Business?

Startup costs typically range from $100,000 to $250,000. Big expenses are real estate, equipment, buildout, marketing, and initial staffing. Sufficient funding is crucial.

What Permits and Licenses Do Loaded Tea Shops Need?

You’ll need a business license, food service permit, sales tax permits, and compliance with health department regulations. Specific requirements vary by state.

Should I Sell Pre-bottled Loaded Teas Wholesale?

Pre-bottled teas can help you scale, but quality is tough to control. Focus first on perfecting your in-house menu. Later on, bottling offers a distribution revenue stream.

How Do I Price Items on a Loaded Tea Menu?

Factor in labor, ingredients, packaging, and overhead. Price based on cup size and complexity of flavors. Markups of 2-3X cost are common. Don’t undervalue specialty creations.

What’s Better – Own or Lease Retail Space?

Leasing gives you flexibility as a startup. However, owning the real estate provides more control and stability down the road once established. Assess finances and risk tolerance.