How to Get a Job through Facebook - NewBalancejobs
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How to Get a Job through Facebook

How to get a job through Facebook – Facebook has always been a great place to connect with family and friends about all things social.  Now, it’s also an effective way to connect with your next potential employer.  In February 2017, Facebook opened its new job board feature, where employers can post jobs directly to a company page or a specific job page and job seekers can apply to it immediately via Facebook.

  If you’re wondering if this is applicable, bear in mind the following: Business Insider reports that there are 65 million companies using Facebook Pages currently, and a recent study by Jobvite found that Facebook is the second most popular social network for recruiters.  Currently, the posting is free for employers and there is no set limit for posts per page, which makes the site more attractive to companies with many jobs to fill.

Can you find jobs on Facebook?

  Successful recruitment begins with getting job opportunities in front of the right candidates.  And Facebook is where many people around the world spend a great amount of their time online.

  Although Facebook has not been used traditionally for recruitment, you can get a job through Facebook as the site now allows US and Canadian companies to post job openings and accept applicants.  Job advertisements are shown to followers of the company’s pages, like regular Facebook posts, who can then re-share them with friends who may be interested in the opportunity.  Recruiters can also configure demographic targeting that offers to post jobs to people based on geographic location, work history, the field of study, and other specific factors that help them connect with suitable candidates.

  You may not have tried it yet, but Facebook’s job search engine is up and running, turning the world of recruitment on its head.  It was first tested in late 2016 before being introduced in the US and Canada the following year.  The service was hugely popular, which prompted Facebook to expand listings to 40 other countries around the world.

How to get a job through Facebook

  Facebook Job Search is a comprehensive tool that will lead you through the entire job application process.  It allows you to browse jobs or use filters to narrow your search, autofill and edit, submit your application and communicate via Messenger to schedule interviews.

  With more than 2 billion users and over 65 million companies on board, Facebook follows LinkedIn as the second most popular social network for recruiters.  The social network claims that one in four adults in the United States have already searched for or found a job on Facebook.

  In fact, Facebook Job Search is an easy-to-use tool that will guide you through the application process for an overall job.  You can browse job vacancies, use filters to make your search more relevant, submit your application, communicate with hiring managers via chat and schedule interviews.  Now, Facebook has become the second job search and social network tool for recruiters after LinkedIn.  According to the latest statistics, 1 in 4 adults in the US have already searched for jobs on Facebook or even found one.

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  Be one of them and share scrolling in your newsfeed for a meaningful job!  Here’s our ultimate guide that will give you the knowledge needed to successfully get a job through Facebook.

How to get a job through Facebook

  • Networking

  With stats in mind, we can assume that most of your coworkers and business partners will be on Facebook.  Moreover, we can assume that potential recruiters and new employers (hiring managers, human resource personnel) will be on Facebook.  This gives you a unique opportunity to connect with whoever is hiring right now.

  Everyone expects to be contacted via Twitter but Facebook is not a professional network, thus, contacting someone professionally can actually help you stand out from the crowd.  I know sales people who use Facebook this way just as they can access it, while Linkedin ships hundreds of messages every week to buyers.  As long as you tread carefully, this tactic will work.

  • Do your research

  When it comes to helping with the jobs section, Facebook can also be an excellent place to search for a potential employer.  Job boards and career advice columns are filled with articles telling you to do a lot of due diligence before applying or attending an interview.  In addition to important details related to company culture, seeing how the company interacts with its customers and clients can convey important details about what they are looking for when it comes to the employees who will represent their brand.

  • Create a list of companies to explore

  Have you ever fallen into a “Facebook void”?  You start looking for something specific and then after 30 minutes, you realize that you are off-topic.  To avoid this when searching for a job, create a list of companies that you want to work for based on your search, then visit each company’s website to see if they are hiring.  It makes the process more efficient.

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  Some of the things to look for in target companies include culture, work-life balance, number of employees, distance from your home, and whether you can relate to the organization’s values.  Consider checking with your former colleagues about their current companies, or using your LinkedIn network to see if you have connections at the companies you list.

  • Join and be active in groups

  Groups on Facebook are just like Linkedin groups, and it’s a place to discuss and spread the news about a specific topic, industry, or interest.  You can add value to a group by joining or starting discussions, posting links and other resources on the wall, moderating or managing group departments, etc.  Once you’ve had a few conversations with people, send a friend’s invite and they’ll likely accept it as you know now, albeit only online.  The goal here is to reach out to others in your field and get their attention, and this may lead to you thinking about upcoming job opportunities even before you post them.

  • Use Facebook Ads

  Consider using Facebook ads.  For a few dollars a day, you can write yourself a nifty ad that shows you are looking for a job in your chosen field.  If you are in marketing, this should give you the freedom to write a creative ad to promote yourself.  Facebook ads can be targeted to appear only on member pages of a specific city, along with a wide range of other targeting criteria.