20 Leading Co-working Spaces In Seattle - NewBalancejobs
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20 Leading Co-working Spaces In Seattle

Co-working spaces have saved lots of companies and businesses all across the world a lot of expenses by reason of how it works. In this article, we shall be listing twenty (20) leading co-working spaces in Seattle that you can consider.

What is a co-working space?

A co-working space is an office arrangement whereby different companies or business outlets share the same workspace, sharing the cost of running the building and as well share mutually the infrastructure and amenities made available.

What are the advantages of co-working spaces ?

There are certain advantages your business can enjoy when you opt-in for a co-working workspace for your company or business. Some of these advantages are:

  • Saves cost
  • Makes work more interesting
  • Business affiliations
  • Opportunity for more customer base

Saves cost

In a shared workspace, the cost of running the facility is usually shared by all existing companies or businesses making use of it to run their individual businesses. So, this helps in cutting cost of rents for all occupants of a co-working space.

Makes Work More interesting

When working in a co-working space, you will have the opportunity of mingling with different people who work for other companies and businesses. This is usually motivating and makes work more interesting.

Business affiliation

It is very easy to build business affiliates when in a shared workspace. It is easier because the mutual understanding between the existing businesses in the facility encourages easy resolutions as regards business partnership. This is a huge added advantage.

Opportunity for more customer base

Different customers and clients who are related to different companies would usually walk into the building and would easily see other existing businesses in the building. Over time when they need certain services provided by one of the companies existing in the building, patronage becomes easy which in turn expands the service provider’s customer base.

Top 20 Leading Co-working spaces in Seattle

Below is a list of the top 20 leading co-working spaces in Seattle.

  • Works Progress
  • Ballard Labs
  • WeWork – South Lake Union
  • Office Nomads
  • The Pioneer Collective
  • Atlas Workbase
  • Impact Hub Seattle
  • Galvanize Seattle
  • The Pioneer Collective
  • Thinkspace Seattle
  • Builtt Center
  • Makers Workspaces
  • The Riveter
  • Realfine Coffee
  • Victrola Coffee Roasters
  • 425 Collective
  • Agnes Underground
  • Cambia Grove
  • Cloud Room
  • Collective Chemistry
  • Coworking Eastlake
  • Desk+