6 Best answers to "are you willing to relocate?" Questions in an Interview
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6 Best answers to “are you willing to relocate?” Questions in an Interview

Before you rush into answering the interview question “are you willing to relocate?”  Remember that first impressions are crucial to an interview.  Each answer to every question you are asked relentlessly influences the final decision.  Are you sure of your response?  Is your answer honest? 

  Some interview situations surprise you, even if you don’t think they might be so difficult.  Take the answer to the question, “are you willing to relocate?”  Sure, in theory, it basically requires a straightforward yes or no answer (“Yes I will move” or “No I will not move”), but of course things aren’t always that great.

How do I say I am not willing to relocate?

  If you really want the job but are struggling to commit to relocation, then you need to figure out the best way to get this news to the interviewer without compromising your chances.  And if you agree to relocate under certain circumstances, you will need to express these terms clearly before subscribing to something that you cannot pursue later.

Are you willing to relocate?

  Addressing this question also requires an understanding of why it is being asked – along with the obvious reason: the hiring manager wants someone who can work in a particular location full time, and needs to exclude anyone who can’t or can’t.

  Sometimes, they try to get an idea of ​​the candidate’s degree of interest and flexibility, especially when these details are not even included in the job description they applied for.


Best answers to “are you willing to relocate?” Questions in an Interview

1.    Never start your answer with “no”

  Never say never to get an answer right away for employers.  Since they think you are the right person for the job, you should disappoint them at the start of the discussion.  Even if you are not willing to comply, there is no harm in hearing what employers say.  Often times the opinion of employees changes by the end of the discussion, so it wouldn’t be wise to rush and regret later for being so stupid.

  Don’t give your answer until they ask you for your last word if you want to make the most of your opportunity.  But if you thought that saying no right at first would make you seem blatant and sincere to the last degree, then you wouldn’t be more wrong.  Not only will the employer be disappointed, but they will likely refrain from including your name in any project in the future.

2.    Ask if you will be adequately compensated for your efforts

  It is better to inquire about whatever comes into your mind than to regret not making the effort to do so later.  Sometimes, companies tend to cut back on money just by moving employees.  But none of us wants to have the trouble of living on less money than we promised once we moved to a new place.  So it is always wise to clarify whether the company is paying for your expenses and efforts.

  On top of that, there’s nothing wrong with making sure what you get is worth your effort and time.  So remember to always check the details before deciding whether to move to a new location.

3.    Balance your options

  If you are relatively new to your hometown or are used to relocating, then the question about relocation may not seem like a terrible question to answer.  However, if you grew up in the city you work in, and your family and friends still reside there, relocating can be a difficult choice.  This is why it is so important that you weigh your options.  You should be aware that if you decide to stay in your current city, you may lose the job opportunity you are applying for.  However, you can also discover a new love for your new place of residence and enjoy exploring different parts of the world.  Preparing a list to compare your choices with close friends and family you trust is a great idea so that you are prepared for the possibility of asking this question before your interview.

4.    Don’t be afraid to ask questions

  Don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions during your interview, after asking you to move.  You deserve to have all the necessary information, even if the decision is temporary!  Feel free to ask where you will be moving if there is a higher compensation for moving, and what type of office you will be working in.  If you have a hidden interest in exploring the transition option, let the interviewer know!  However, if you are firm in your decision to stay, be honest and report that as well.

5.    Give an honest answer

  Don’t be ready to take action just until you are in the company’s good books.  Forcibly leading the company to believe that you are the right man for the job while knowing that it will undoubtedly harm you more than it will benefit you, is not the right way to prove that you are worth the investment.

  Even after considering the pros and cons of having to move if you think you are not completely cut off from what they want from you, let the company know what’s on your mind before it’s too late.  It is always better to give an honest answer even though it is something you know will not be treated in a good light.  But in your defense, you’ll know you did the right thing by telling what would be best in your eyes.

6.    Ask if the company will provide you with all the documents you need for travel

  It can be difficult to make visits to the embassy and offices regarding your passport along with other documents for business travel.  You may also be required to submit a statement of purpose or have documents certified by a notary.

  This is a big problem companies leave on your shoulders only when you start to think that traveling or relocating wouldn’t be a bad choice after all.

  And this is exactly the reason why you need to be very frank while making it clear to employers that you are not agree to accept any conditions unless they are willing to have all the documents, visas and passports needed in your name for travel.

7.    Ask if the company will provide accommodation

  Most companies are required, as a rule, to provide housing for their employees if they are sent to work.  However, few companies still do not believe in standing on behalf of their employees and as a result they are not responsible for where and how they are established.  However, if you do not want such problems on your end, do speak to the company.

  Make your choices very carefully when it comes to moving to a brand new city or country where you will be completely on your own.  So it is best to let the company handle their business matters and reserve a decent place to stay.


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