Which career combines DNA technology and Medicine 
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Which career combines DNA technology and Medicine 

In everyday life, DNA technology offers a wide range of applications. Scientists are using it for several applications and goods, and it comprises the study and modification of genetic material.

It is used to diagnose inherited disorders such as sickle-cell anemia and medicine. Such disorders are genetically passed down from generation to generation. As a result, vulnerable individuals can be identified and treated early.

In addition, technology is essential in the manufacture of vaccines. Scientists use it to develop vaccines in various ways, including altering pathogen genes and mimicking their surface proteins.

This article delves into explaining the career that combines DNA technology and medicine.

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What is the name of the professions that combines DNA science and medicine?

Medical genetics is one of the professions that combines DNA technology and medicine.

Medical genetics is a discipline of medicine that focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of inherited diseases, answering the question, “which career combines DNA technology and medicine?”  

It’s a medical specialty that focuses on genetic illness identification and therapy. Medical genetics covers many illnesses, including birth abnormalities, autism, cancer, skeletal dysplasia, and parental diagnosis.  

Medical geneticists study genetic information to improve and sustain human health. This medical field demands a significant amount of research.

Medical genetics offers a variety of specialty areas, including genetic counseling biochemical genetics. Medical geneticists are interested in hereditary illnesses.

They are experts at detecting and treating diseases caused by defective genes. A medical geneticist can work with a wide range of patients, including children, adults, neurological problems, fetal testing, and more. 

Clinical medical geneticists that work with patients spend a lot of time with them in several settings.

They may work in offices where patients come for routine care or in hospitals where they do rounds in an emergency.

Geneticists may divide their workday between patients and lab work to fully appreciate certain defects or diseases.

Some of the popular careers that combine DNA technology and medicine include;

1. Clinical geneticist

Clinical geneticists are medical geneticists who have completed a residency program in the field.

Residents may choose to continue their education in pediatrics gynecology after completing their residency. This is one of the careers that combines DNA technology and medicine.

When a clinical geneticist makes a diagnosis, they look at the following tests: 

Patients who want to know if they have a family history of a specific genetic disorder and if it can be handed down through the generations can undergo carrier testing.

A woman may request a prenatal diagnostic to confirm a genetic diagnosis if an ultrasound identifies an abnormality in the fetus.

Newborn screening is done right after the infant is delivered. It runs a battery of tests on a baby’s blood to look for abnormalities in its body after extracting blood samples. 

Pharmacogenomic testing is used to confirm the expected metabolization rate of medicines. This test will educate the expert about the probable negative effects on a patient.

Identification: This is the most well-known DNA test among the general public. Its goal is to determine a person’s identity and check for paternity issues. Law enforcement also uses this test to assess DNA samples.

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2. Clinical laboratory geneticists

Clinical laboratory geneticists combine DNA technology and medicine, and they also work in diagnostic genetic testing laboratories as supervisors and operators.

This could be in biochemical genetics cytogenetics, to name a few. They might be looking for hereditary or acquired genetic problems as well.

They also provide ongoing quality assurance for testing, evaluation, and communicating results to healthcare practitioners. 

3. Genetic Consultant

Genetic Consultant is also a career that combines DNA technology and medicine. 

A Genetic counselor advises patients on managing a condition or disorder based on a geneticist’s diagnosis.

A counselor must inform a patient about the illness and the history of the inheritance.

They’re the ones who can give patients advice on how to cope with symptoms and manage a condition. 

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4. Genetics Nurse Practitioner

A genetic nurse is in charge of accumulating data to discover both hereditary and non-genetic sickness risk factors.

The doctor will then use this information to diagnose and assess whether or not the problem will be passed down to the patient’s offspring.

In addition, genetic nurses are in charge of meticulously recording their patients’ medical histories. 


During the course of this article, we have outlined with great detail what career combines DNA technology and Medicine and we believe this piece is both informational and helpful

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