What Coffee Does Starbucks Use? - NewBalancejobs

What Coffee Does Starbucks Use?

Having a cup of coffee at Starbucks is always a unique experience. It matters even less if you’ve had it dozens of times or if it’s your first time; the feeling is always special.

This breath-taking experience has left some of us wondering what coffee does Starbucks use?

The article will answer these questions and more. The article will also answer similar exciting questions, such as does Starbucks have organic bean?

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Arabica Coffee Beans vs. Robusta Coffee Beans

The two most common types of coffee tree species globally are arabica and Robusta. Mere looking at both trees, side by side, Robusta might come across to you as the better one.

Robusta coffee trees are healthier and more resistant to diseases, drought, et cetera. Robusta coffee tree also produces more coffee cherries.

After reading all these, you might be forced to ask, what makes the arabica coffee better? The answer to this question is relatively simple.

Flavor, that’s all. According to Starbucks engagement manager Aaron Robinson, the flavor of the arabica beans is superior to the Robusta beans.

The secret behind the superiority of the flavor of the arabica beans over the Robusta is in the elevation of both trees.

While Robusta trees tend to do well at lower altitudes, arabica thrives at higher altitudes, somewhere between three thousand to six thousand feet.

Coffee beans grown at these dizzying heights tend to suffer from slow growth, giving the arabica coffee beans sufficient time to develop adequately. This slow growth is the reason behind the superior taste.

What Coffee Does Starbucks Use?

It is the worst kept secret that Starbucks uses arabica coffee beans grown in South America, Africa, Asia, et cetera.

As a company, Starbucks takes great pride in the fact that it ethically sources beans worldwide.

Arabica beans are arguably the best coffee beans in the world.

It boasts of high quality, refined taste, which differentiates Starbucks from the rest. It is the secret behind Starbucks’ signature taste.

Starbucks makes different coffee drinks; they make expresso, cold brew, decaf, etc.

If you’d also like to know the kinds of coffee used to make them, you might need to stick around a little longer.

What Coffee Does Starbucks Use for Expresso?

Like we said earlier, Starbucks uses the finest Arabica beans sourced from Africa, South America, Asia, and the likes.

That being said, the popular expresso is made from the company’s ground expresso roast (made from Arabica coffee beans).

So if you need to make your expresso at home just like Starbucks, they are available online.

The process of making this unique coffee blend has never been altered, and it will never be.

The Starbuck expresso has remained the same for decades.

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What Coffee Does Starbucks Use for Decaffeinated Coffee Drink?

Starbucks only uses arabica coffee beans for all their coffees. They also use their ground arabica coffee for decaf coffee drinks like the expresso.

According to Starbucks coffee aficionados, the decaffeinated coffee beverage is as good as the caffeinated coffee beverages.

They contain equal amounts of molasses and caramelized sugar notes, the same as caffeinated beverages.

What Coffee Does Starbucks Use for Cold Brew?

This coffee beverage is specifically for those who dislike the taste of acid in their coffee. Cold brew coffee is less bitter than hot brew coffee.

The reason for this is most likely due to the method of extraction of the flavors and coffee oils from the coffee grounds. Extraction with cold water tends to be slower than in hot water.

This makes hot brewed coffee more acidic and more bitter than cold-brewed coffee. Varying temperatures produce varied results.

Starbucks cold brew coffee is usually soaked for twenty hours in cool filtered water to produce that refreshing goodness we’ve grown accustomed to.

Does Starbucks Have Organic Coffee?

Does Starbucks have organic coffee? The answer is no. Starbucks has little to no control over the number of pesticides used in coffee farms abroad.

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As promised, we divulged the worst kept secret by answering the question, what coffee does Starbucks use?

And the other question, does Starbucks have organic coffee? We hope you found the article useful.

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