Overworked and underpaid Options for you to scale - NewBalancejobs
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Overworked and underpaid Options for you to scale

 You are overworked and underpaid because the job you recently started is more demanding than it was originally, or your responsibilities have expanded over the years while your paycheck has remained the same.  Either way, excessive work and low wages is a predicament many people find themselves in, whether in a new job or an old one – and fortunately, there are many possible solutions.

  Your week, month, or even your quarter is already full of tasks and projects.  Every time your boss approaches your desk, you swing and wonder what will happen on your lap next.  Although you really want to shout “enough!”  , You don’t want to look lazy or selfish.  You simply need a more reasonable workload.

What do you do if you are overworked and underpaid?

  To be fair, many managers won’t realize that you are overwhelmed until you express your concerns.  After all, they (hopefully) don’t hover over your computer all day or keep long lists for every task you do.  This means that if your plate is full, you need to talk to turn things around.  Here are some steps to take to gracefully deal with the fact that you have a lot of work to do.

SEE ALSO: How to know if you are overworked and underpaid by your Boss

  It is widely accepted that long working hours and physical stress are harmful to our health, but in the current work climate it appears that grueling hours and hard-to-reach expectations are increasingly common.  Everything we do outside of work, any time we allow relaxation, hobbies, vacations, or raising children is calmly judged as “less” than work 9 to 5.

   More jobs than ever before have been directed towards the expectation that we will work more than necessary to achieve our goals.  With more students graduating from university with a grade 1 or 2: 1, and more people waiting for leave to have children until later in life, the world of work is becoming more and more competitive.  Most of us are terrified of saying no when assigning a task, fearing that our time-defying, time-obsessed coworkers will break out and steal the job you worked so hard to get.

  Work if you get fair compensation for the work you do can be difficult.  If you’ve been in the same job or company for a while, it can be easy to accept additional changes to your salary and not ask if you should ask for more.


  If you are not comfortable asking your manager right away, you can do some research of your own.  If you work for a large company, take a look at our current job vacancies and see what they offer for jobs similar to yours.  When you have lived with the same company for a long time, but your salary hasn’t changed much since your initial offer, it might be a sign that you are getting paid less.

Overworked and underpaid? Here are the possible options for you to scale

·         Define your values

  You must determine and see if you represent a significant point in the business and have the eligibility to request a raise.  Based on commitment and performance, the employee should check whether he is adding to the success of the organization.

  Before proceeding with the request for a salary increase, the employee must ascertain whether it represents a good value for the job if a high performer contributes to the organization, and finally deserves to request a raise.

·         Ask for a bonus

  It is the first thing we that comes to our minds when we feel overworked and underpaid, but asking for a salary increase may not be the easiest solution for a number of reasons: for example, your employer may be tied for money, or you may ostensibly gain market value for your business.  If either of these is not true, and you feel the increase is appropriate, then you should start building your case to find out why you deserve it.  The increase is never easy to ask for, but a few simple steps go a long way toward helping:

·         Keep records

 Even before you request a salary increase, you should record your accomplishments and proactively share them with your boss.  This way, your boss will know what contributions you have made and how important you are to the company.  Every time you go further, try to keep your boss informed.  If this sounds impossible or pointless, you can always share your list of accomplishments when the time finally comes to submit your application.

·         Suggest a specific amount

 Instead of vaguely asking for more money or giving a scope, you’ll need to attend your meeting with a specific number in mind.  This shows the business owner that you know what you want, as well as making the negotiations a lot easier.  Do your research by consulting with websites like Payroll and asking for advice from colleagues – collectively, they’ll help you figure out what the market value of your business really is.  Once it is time to speak to your boss, you will have all the evidence you need to prove that your request is reasonable.  It is important to remember that increments of more than 5% are rarely awarded.

·         Use the right time

  It is a fact that many people submit their offer during review time.  Do not turn to the boss during times of extreme stress.  The performance appraisal period can be a good time to prove the results you’ve achieved and request a raise.  You can also request a raise before taking on any new tasks.  Mention your boss that you have created a great deal of value for the organization.  A salary increase can be achieved in this way.

·         Look into equity

  Suppose your company needs you, but you suspect an increase or decrease in hours is in the range of possibilities.  It may mean that you are making the kind of sacrifice that people who have a financial stake in the company usually make.  Perhaps, then, these sacrifices could be reflected in fractional ownership or shares in the company.  This might be a viable solution for you and your employer – hours and wages may remain the same, but the extra hours you put in place can now be rewarded as the company grows.

  When the time is right, try to bring up the possibility of a partnership or equity with your boss.  Prepare a clear explanation of why you think you deserve equity, so they can fully understand the merits of your request.  The benefits you reap from fractional ownership can be a vital asset to your long-term financial outlook: stocks go a long way toward planning for retirement or saving for a home.

·         Consider all your options

  If you can’t find a more desirable job at another company, you may realize that you don’t have the correct credentials to earn the salary you are looking for – perhaps, then, this is a good time to go back to school so you can beef up your CV.  Or, you might want to consider the financial benefits of being self-employed – you might be one of the millions of Americans planning to work for themselves by 2020.

  Working beyond your capacity and not being paid enough is not an enviable situation for anyone, but fortunately immediate action is possible.  Seize the next opportunity you get to sit down with your boss at a meeting, and use it to talk openly about your position at the company.  With the right language and the right behavior, you could be the next person with an inspiring financial story.


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