8 LinkedIn Mistakes You Should Never Make
Career Advice Career Basics

8 LinkedIn Mistakes You Should Never Make

Are you looking to make your mark on LinkedIn and avoid mistakes? If so, then you’re in the right place.

Whether you’re a job seeker, an entrepreneur, or want to revamp your presence on the world’s premier business networking site, you can take many necessary steps.

But plenty of mistakes can undermine your success and leave you spinning your wheels – unless you’re familiar with them and how to avoid them. That’s where this article comes in.

Here we will cover eight common LinkedIn mistakes so you know what to look for. 

With these tips, you can ensure all your hard work will pay off!

1. How to Delete a Job Posting on LinkedIn

Regarding social networking, LinkedIn is one of the most critical tools in your professional toolkit.

However, LinkedIn also brings a unique set of social faux pas that you should avoid to make sure you don’t leave a bad impression.

One of the most embarrassing mistakes you can make on LinkedIn is accidentally posting a job opening that has already been filled.

This mistake will look unprofessional and confuse potential job applicants and their employers. To delete a job posting on LinkedIn, take the following steps:

  1. Log into your account and head to the Company Page Settings menu.
  2. Click on the “Job Postings” tab in the left-hand menu.
  3. Find the job posting that needs to be taken down and click the “X” icon at the end of its row in the list view.
  4. Finally, confirm that you want to delete the post by clicking “Yes, Delete” in the popup window that appears.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to remove any unwanted job postings from your LinkedIn page quickly and easily—and avoid any potential embarrassment!

2. Not Having a Profile Photo

Your profile photo is one of the essential pieces of your LinkedIn profile. It’s the first thing people see when they visit your page, and it can immediately convey a lot about you and your business.

That’s why having a professional photo is essential if you want to make a good impression.

When choosing your profile photo, keep it simple. Your headshot should be a close-up that clearly shows your face and should be free of distractions like busy backgrounds or other people in the photo.

Additionally, ensure you wear professional attire in the picture—jeans and t-shirts are usually not the best looks for most businesses.

Another common mistake is to leave out a profile photo altogether. No photo can make you look unprofessional and untrustworthy, so include one to make a good impression on potential clients and contacts.

3. Not Making Connections

When expanding your professional network on LinkedIn, you’ve got to make the first move.

That’s why you must ask people in your field (or even outside of it) to join your network.

However, there are a few things you should know before making connections:

Request with an Introduction

When sending a connection request, include a short introduction about yourself and why you’d like them to connect with you.

This is the perfect way to open conversations and let people get an idea of who you are and what you’re looking for.

Personalize Your Message

Personalizing your connection messages is key in getting people to accept your request.

Don’t just copy-paste the same generic message repeatedly; ensure each message is tailored specifically for each person you contact.

That way, they’ll be more likely to accept your invitation and take some time to get to know you better.

Follow Up After Connecting

Don’t just connect and leave it at that—you should also follow up afterward with a quick message.

Thank them for connecting with you, and let them know that if they ever need anything or have any questions, they can feel free to reach out anytime.

This will show them that you care about getting connected, which will work wonders regarding networking on the platform!

4. Not Completing Your Profile

Filling out your entire profile is one of the essential steps to building your LinkedIn presence. And not doing so is one of the LinkedIn mistakes you should never make.

Think of your profile as a resume or CV – the more complete it is, the more likely people will notice.

Having an incomplete profile

An incomplete profile looks sloppy and gives the impression that you don’t care enough about connecting with people on LinkedIn.

A few things you should make sure you include in your profile are:

  1. A professional headshot
  2. An up-to-date job description
  3. Detailed work history and track record of past achievements
  4. Accurate contact information
  5. Links to any other pertinent accounts (such as your website or blog)

By filling out all sections of your profile, you can establish yourself as a credible expert in your field and make a great first impression on potential employers or clients across your page.

Not to mention, this will help build trust and credibility for yourself among peers and colleagues!

5. Overloading Your Profile With Buzzwords

When updating your profile, you’ll want to ensure you don’t go overboard with the buzzwords. It’s one of the mistakes you should never make on LinkedIn.

Sure, they can be helpful in succinctly conveying your skills and accomplishments.

But they are no substitute for an articulate, well-crafted description of your professional experience.

Overloading your page with industry jargon and buzzwords looks unprofessional and disingenuous.

It’s akin to keyword stuffing—which won’t help you be found in searches and isn’t attractive to potential employers.

Aim for clarity instead—write something that emphasizes what you do and why your prospects should care.

Drop in a few well-placed keywords, but don’t go overboard. A good rule is that you might have gone too far if you use the same keyword four or more times.

If done correctly, adding keywords or skill sets in helpful places can help your profile reach higher in relevant searches by recruiters and hiring managers looking for specific skills or experiences.

Posting Too Much and Too Often

When it comes to LinkedIn, moderation is key. Posting too often or too much in one sitting can be a significant turnoff.

According to studies, people who post more than twice a week on LinkedIn are considered to be “spamming” the platform.

It’s best practice to stick to one post every few days and ensure it’s well-thought-out and relevant.

When crafting your posts, take the time to create strong headlines that grab attention and incorporate keywords whenever possible.

Additionally, try to keep them concise—a few sentences are usually enough to get the point across without appearing too aggressive or overwhelming.

Also, avoid posting about overly personal topics like politics or religion. Even if you think the topic will be well received by your followers, remember that people of different backgrounds and perspectives view your posts.

It’s best to err on the side of caution and keep things professional.

6. Sharing Unprofessional Content

We all love a good meme, but you’ll want to ensure that anything you post on LinkedIn is professional.

Sharing unprofessional content can damage your reputation and keep you from making meaningful connections with potential employers. It’s one of the big LinkedIn Mistakes some people make.

Plus, it’s best to save funny memes and gifs for other social media platforms.

Use Professional Photos

When it comes to photos, make sure you’re using one that looks professional. Good headshots and quality images will create a more favorable impression on your profile than selfies and other informal photos.

Be Selective with Posts

When deciding which posts to share, it’s essential to consider the content’s quality.

Make sure any posts are relevant to your industry or career path and are genuine – think of exciting articles about business trends or news relevant to your field rather than generic posts about areas outside of your expertise.

Also, be aware of re-sharing posts from unreliable sources: a common source of unprofessional content is re-sharing stories from unreliable websites just because they’re “trending” topics or rumor-filled stories without verifying their credibility.

Being careful with what you share will prove that you take the topic seriously and helps set a professional tone for future interactions.

7. Neglecting to Engage With Your Connections

The eighth and final mistake you should try to avoid is neglecting to engage with your connections.

An extensive network is excellent, but it’s important to remember that networking isn’t just about collecting contacts—it’s about engaging with them.

You should try to connect with your contacts regularly, for example, by leaving thoughtful comments on their posts and even sending a message occasionally.

This will help build meaningful relationships that can be invaluable both professionally and personally.

Similarly, don’t forget to follow the companies you want to work for and the leaders you admire.

Following industry influencers will give you great content ideas for what to share on LinkedIn and show that you’re passionate about your industry.

Engaging with others in your network helps create a positive impression of yourself as an active learner who values networking.

8. Not Researching Companies Before Interviews

Making mistakes on LinkedIn doesn’t end when you are invited to an interview. One of the biggest ones you can make is not researching the company beforehand.

Always do your homework before entering any job interview– including scoping out the company’s LinkedIn page.

You want to ensure you know what they do, their values, and who works there.

Knowing the company’s mission statement and culture ahead of time can give you an edge in the interview and prove that you understand their needs and wants.

Doing your research also helps to keep expectations realistic. If you know all about what the company does, then you’ll have a better idea of how your skills will fit into their organization and if it’s a good match for what you’re looking for in a career.

Finally, researching the company before interviewing shows employers that you are genuinely interested in joining their team and have taken the initiative to learn more about them before meeting face-to-face.

That kind of consideration speaks volumes about who you are as an individual and won’t go unnoticed by potential employers.


While there are many more tips and tricks to mastering your LinkedIn presence, avoiding the mistakes we’ve looked at today will put you on the right track.

Keep your profile up to date and take the time to ensure that you express yourself as professionally and authentically as possible.

Having an up-to-date profile and ensuring you stay active and engaged on LinkedIn can make all the difference between making your profile a success or failure.

Take the time to invest in yourself, and you’ll reap the rewards. Good luck!