How Much Does Car Insurance Costs in Ontario - NewBalancejobs
Insurance Tips

How Much Does Car Insurance Costs in Ontario

Having to drive in Ontario is not cheap at all. Cars are quite expensive, gas is costly as well and it is not everyone that has a stellar driving history. 

But there are so many factors that influence the amount to be paid for the car insurance premiums, and this has left many people wondering what the average car insurance in Ontario will be when compared to their own personal policies.

How Car Insurance Work in Ontario

Immediately you decide on the right type of car insurance coverage and also the deductible amounts with your insurer, you will need to pay the insurance premium.

This will then provide you with the needed financial protection you require against any major physical damage or maybe a bodily injury that may likely happen from any traffic collisions.

It is possible that you can also cover for liability costs peradventure you injure someone else or probably their properties in an auto accident. With the enhanced and the special cover options, you can discover ways you can choose to add extra protection as well.

The Average Cost of Car in Ontario

In the province of Ontario, the estimates for average car insurance premiums annually range from $1,500 up to $1,900.

This is so mainly because of the high rates of fraud, the high cost of making settlements for claims, as well as the high costs, of overhead which is associated with the private insurance system of the province.

Another big factor in car rates in the province of Ontario would likely be the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, which approve the rates of every provider of car insurance that is operational in the province.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Car Insurance

Despite the fact that the $1,500 up to the $1,900 stands for the average limit of car insurance in the province of Ontario, there are several other factors that can also have an influence on your own rates. Some people can actually pay substantially much annually just to insure a car. Some of the factors include thus:

The Factors

The location of where you live in the province matters, your age and gender as well, the type of coverage, the deductibles, your driving history and also your years of driving experience, the type of vehicle you buy, the car usage, your marital status, the mileage driven in a year, then the claims record.

The Eligibility of Car Insurance in Ontario

In order for you to be eligible for car insurance, you will need to have a valid and verified driver’s license. Car insurance firms will have to look at your previous driving history to be able to determine their eligibility and rates.

Other restrictions for eligibility may come up from the previous convictions. This too will differ depending on the last time your last conviction occurred and also the nature of that particular conviction.

Temporary Car Insurance in Ontario

The standard car insurance policy in the city of Ontario, usually runs for at least one year, but there might be unique and peculiar circumstances where someone might need a shorter-term car insurance protection.

Someone who is traveling to the province of Ontario for an extended business journey, or maybe someone who is visiting a family for just a few months, or someone who has lapses in their Insurance protection, will want to go for temporary car insurance that can last for three months or six months.


It is pertinent to get Insurance coverage, but more so it is very important too that you get to determine what the average costs for each province are before venturing into it. Ontario is a well-known city, therefore you can decide to do your calculations first before you get a cover.