Career tips you never got in school - NewBalancejobs
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Career tips you never got in school

School might teach us a lot but there are career tips you never got in school. These tips will guide you throughout your career.

Let us continue reading to find out more about these tips and how it will help your career.

Never stop trying

Dreamers dream big, every time. That’s who they’re, they’d consistently see possibilities where others see barriers. If you have frequently been told you can’t do something all your life, how can you believe anything else? Altering your mindset on your definition of success would help with that.

If you first believe in yourself and work smart and hard, you’d have a chance. People who’re convinced they will be successful are the ones that try to accomplish something irrespective of whatever anyone says. They’re the ones that try to invent completely new ways of doing things. You’ve to think differently, be outstanding among peers, push the envelope and get recognition.

Do not be afraid to fail

Failing is the biggest part of success. Famous people don’t become famous overnight. They got hundreds or thousands of rejections and slammed doors in their faces before they were finally given a chance by someone.

Inventors don’t halt the building of a product when it doesn’t work the first time. Being innovative takes time and discipline. To appreciate success, you must first fail. Accepting failure and not letting it stop you in your tracks is how will you differentiate a failure from a person who succeeds. Grow and learn from your failures.

SEE ALSO: 5 steps to make your resume stand out on job boards

Stick to your goals

In today’s ever-changing world of work, we are all guilty of setting too many priorities. The fact is that you can not possibly become an expert at anything if you don’t give it your 100%.

Rid yourself of any distractions and focus solely on what you want to achieve the most and stick to it. Don’t give up and work hard at it. Always remember why you began it in the first place and ask others to help keep you accountable to your goals.

Do what makes you happy

What excites and interests you may not be a conventional career or the career you presently have. happiness at work could be as a result of what you do on a daily basis or because of the people you work with. If your work doesn’t excite you, change it. The solution doesn’t always lie in looking for another job, but to make the best out of your current situation.

Finding the aspect of your job that interest and excites you the most and asking your manager to do more projects with it. Working on projects that utilizes those skills that makes you feel good about yourself and where you succeed the best is another great way.

Use the downtime to advance professionally

In those times when workflow is slow or when waiting for that reply to your email or phone call, utilize that time wisely. Peruse articles on professional and personal development, career advice, and management and leadership tips. Focus solely on your career goals and how close you are to achieving them or try to check if you’re professionally heading in the right direction.

Undertake career advancement courses during your lunchtime, learn new skills, speak to your co-workers or go for walks. For creatives, there are never downtimes, only opportunities to achieve things.

Stop taking things personally

It might not be obvious, but everyone is going through their personal battles, so it’s vital to always be respectful. Someone’s harsh comments to you may not be about you at all. Don’t allow what’s going on in someone else’s life to affect you or your day. If you weren’t invited to lunch, it was probably just an oversight, it doesn’t mean you’re not liked.

If that colleague is rude to you on the phone while requesting information it may be because they are getting pressured by a higher authority on the other end. Be always professional, and let it slide off your shoulders.

Leave it at work

True, your work needs your presence to move forward in that project, but your family needs you also. So at the end of the day, complete that email and shut it all down. Take out some time with your family for when you would open up your email to keep track of work during the weekend, but keep it to the barest minimum, most times, it can wait.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

So what if you didn’t get that promotion you were hoping for or the raise you wanted. That doesn’t imply you didn’t deserve it or didn’t work hard enough. You probably did your best, but someone else had also worked hard and you know what? They were better. Or maybe your boss was been truthful when he said there was no budget but they hoped you would stay. It doesn’t translate to not been appreciated, needed or wanted. Enquire about how to improve your chances for the next round and keep working ahead.

Know how to have fun

Get out of your cubicle from time to time to chat with your colleagues by the coffee machine, even if you don’t drink coffee. Don’t rush in and out of the kitchen without making eye contact with anyone. Say “hello” and “how are you?” to your colleagues.

These simple gestures can go a long way. You spend more than 40 hours a week with these people, make sure you get to know them. They may not be your best bud, but they are in the same industry as you and know a little more about what your daily tasks might look like better than most of your friends and family.

Learn to say no

When you begin your career, you’d feel the need to impress. This is a deadly trap, it overworks you. If you do a great job and you do it swiftly, people would start to recognize this and learn more about you. This sounds great, but it really isn’t. It’s crucial to learn how to say no to your colleagues when you are unable to do the task because you’ve your own work that needs to get done.

You’d get much more respect from your colleagues when you say no from time to time because you understand your workload and that your time is precious.

In conclusion

The above tips are collated just for you to keep in your tool belt in your first year on the job and great to keep filed away as a reminder for later on in your career as well. Good luck to every one of you starting out in your careers, and for those who have been working for a while, we’d love to hear about those tips someone has given you in your career that has helped you move further or become better than you ever thought you could be.