What careers in science requires a lot of traveling? - NewBalancejobs
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What careers in science requires a lot of traveling?

There are numerous science-oriented careers that require various levels of travel. These careers spread across many varying sciences and might require local, regional, national, or even international travel from time to time. In this guide, we’d deliberate on a small selection of the available careers that require traveling in science.

For those fascinated about traveling, a science degree can occasionally open doors to remote or exotic locations. Many jobs, like that of the environmental scientist or forester, can offer the opportunity for some travel. Other science occupations practically assure that individuals who do not want to remain at home will not be forced to do so.

Job TitleMedian SalaryJob Growth (2018-2028)
Anthropologists and Archeologists $62,410 10%
Epidemiologists$69,660 5%
Environmental Scientists and Specialists $71,130 8%
Physicists and Astronomers $119,5809%
Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists $63,420 5%
Hydrologists $79,3707%
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Table of Contents


Archaeologists are responsible for finding, recovering, and studying artifacts and structures that ancient civilizations or groups left behind. Lots of their time is spent on excavations, called “digs,” where they cautiously and methodically locate, document, and recover evidence. Archaeologists can sometimes choose to focus solely on a specific region, or within a specific time frame. Although some jobs are available to individuals with a four-year degree, other positions usually require a master’s degree or Ph.D.

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Just like archaeologists, anthropologists sometimes spend lots of their time on dig sites. However, anthropologists are more focused on human conditions. Like archaeologists, anthropologists also carry out field studies, but mainly with living populations. They sometimes spend elongated periods of time with indigenous tribes in remote areas, for the purpose of, examining myths or studying religious practices. Anthropologists have three aspects which are physical, cultural or linguistic anthropology.

  • Physical anthropologists entail studying genetics, primates, and the physical properties of humans.
  • Cultural anthropologists focus on the social interactions and customs of different cultures globally.
  • Linguistic anthropologists focus on human communications and languages.


Epidemiologists are public health workers responsible for investigating patterns and causes of diseases and injury. They work to minimize the risk and occurrence of negative health outcomes through research, community education, and health policies.


A number of careers fall under the geoscience umbrella. The thing they all have in common is the study of the structure, actions, and composition of Earth. Paleontologists are geoscientists who are frequently found on dig sites, retrieving plant and animal fossils, those of dinosaurs inclusive, for more study.

Oceanographers sacrifice their careers to the planet’s oceans, and some spend a whole lot of their time on board ships. Seismologists use complex equipment to measure and study earthquakes. Geologists use the information held in rocks and minerals to analyze Earth’s history. Most geoscience jobs have a minimum requirement of a bachelor’s degree, and some positions require an advanced degree. As a group, geoscientists earned a median annual salary of $84,470 in 2020, and the field is predicted to show an addition of 8% jobs between 2018 and 2028.

Zoology/Wildlife Biology

Wildlife biologists and lots of zoologists designate much of their time to work on the field. They travel to the animals’ natural habitats and this enables these scientists to study migration patterns, life cycles, diseases, and socialization habits. Sometimes, it may be paramount to count the population to dictate if a species is thriving. The information secured by wildlife biologists and zoologists is very vital for environmental planners, veterinarians, and ecologists. Most jobs in this profession require a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

SEE ALSO: High paying careers in zoology

Physicists and Astronomers

Physicists and astronomers study the ways in which various types of matter and energy interact. Theoretical physicists and astronomers study the nature of time or the beginning of the universe. Some physicists design and perform experiments with specialized equipment such as particle accelerators, electron microscopes, and lasers.

Astronomers focus their study on planets, stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies. They utilize both ground-based equipment, like radio and optical telescopes, and space-based equipment, like the Hubble Space Telescope or the James Webb Space Telescope. Some astronomers focus on distant stars, galaxies, and phenomena like the neutron stars and black holes, while others monitor those space debris that might impede satellite operations.