All You Need To Know About A Discovery Flight__A discovery flight is otherwise known as an introductory flight.

All You Need To Know About A Discovery Flight
Just as the name implies, it is usually recommended for people who have never traveled by air before and so far.
it has given people the necessary awareness they need to be able to cope with the travel-on-air experiences. Discovery flight is usually very cheap and affordable.
Asides from taking the introductory flight to get acquainted with flying, some people take the flight to have a better view of their locality.
This purpose of using the introductory flight is termed “scenic flight”.
So, you have to specific about your purpose of taking the flight; if it is for a city tour or for flying acquaintance.
Although a discovery flight is usually short, a certified flight instructor or commercial pilot usually joins on the trip, and as such, your participation is would be required.
How Much It Cost To Take An Introductory Flight Lesson
The price for an introductory flight varies with different companies. However, Inflight offers long introductory flight lessons for $219.99 + tax.
Whereas, in contrast with other companies who may offer a cheaper rate, their services are nowhere compare to inflight as they don’t offer the same experience as Inflight does.
They also do not only provide a full hour of airtime but also provided an additional half-hour of ground time.
Some of the competitors of the company, offers only a total of 30 minutes of plane time which unforturtunately is usually slashed in half when the plain warm-up time, taxi time and run up time is being taken into consideration..
And of course, you do know that that 15 minutes just isn’t enough time to experience all that piloting your own plane has to offer.
Trust that with the charge from Inflight, you do have an idea of how much to budget for
Read more: Is It Hard To Become A Pilot? All You Need To Know
What To Expect In An Introductory flight
Below are serial activities that usually takes place during an introductory flight, read on;
1. After booking for a discovery flight, you will begin your journey with a preflight briefing in the office.
Here, your instructor will carefully explain what you will engage in the course of the flight. Such as safety, the weather, and the aircraft.
There will definately be opportunity for questions if you have any, and, your instructir wil sure give an answer to whatever questions you have provided it relates to the business at hand.
2. Furthermore, you and your instructor will complete a safety walk around of the aircraft together. Before the take-off.
3. Next is the long awaited time, the FLYING experience you have longed for. Here, you will perform the checklist right from the pilot’s seat.
The start-up procedures follows next after which a short demonstration, will taxi the aircraft to the runway.
4. On completion of the preflight checks, you as good to fly as an eagle soaring deep into the storms.
If your aim of being on the discovery flight is to learn to fly a plane, you will have the privilege of doing most of the flying, learning how to turn, climb, descend, and slow down/speed up.
You will be surprised how easy it really is and how awesome it feels to be flying your own airplane.
After joining the circuit pattern at the airport you and your instructor will land the aircraft.
Once done taxiing and shutting down, you will be debriefed by your instructor, describing how you did and what to look out for on your next flight.
To complete the Discovery flight your instructor will tour you around the school/airport and airplanes, allowing you to explore our large fleet.
Note that a discovery flight usually takes an hour to complete including the 30 min flight.
Why Do I Need A Discovery Flight
A lot of people feel that going on a discovery flight before going on an travel is a waste of time and resources, this belief is not totally valid. Below are things going o a discovery flight entails.
- Gives a basic understanding of what pilots check for before flight. With this knowledge, you can tell when an airline is doing the right thing.
- You will have a proper understanding of basic flight systems via the checking of flight controls, including the ailerons, flaps, elevator, and rudder
- Helping program the flight management system, which monitors lights, fuel level, engine oil, and other essential functions, to understand how flight plans are implemented.
- Analyzing the exterior of the plane to uncover any signs of damage to its structure.
- Trust this was helpful.