Why Do You Want to Work Here? (Best Answer) - NewBalancejobs
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Why Do You Want to Work Here? (Best Answer)

I’ve never been asked this question in an interview, but I imagine it makes most people’s heads spin. Why do you want to work here?

This is one of the most common interview questions you’ll be asked when you first start looking for your dream job.

Most people answer this question with something like, well, my work here is done. I’ve built my company from the ground up. 

It’s thriving, and I’m proud of the work that I have done and the world-class product that my team has created for our customers. 

But it’s time to move on to bigger challenges and grander opportunities – which is why I’m looking for new employment with your organization.

While these responses are certainly polite and diplomatic, they aren’t likely to get you very far in the interview process if they’re all you have to say.

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How to Approach the Answer

Asking candidates why they want to work here is a common interview question. 

To answer it well, you must know your company’s mission and understand how your skills can help them reach their goals. 

It also helps if you can tie what you are looking for in this job into your own goals so that the interviewer will see how this position is a step on your career path.

You could say something like I am drawn to the mission of ABC Company (the company name) because I am passionate about working with people and bringing out their best potential. 

This shows that you are interested in what they do and have experience doing it in other positions.

Why Do You Want to Work Here? (9 Best Answers)

Answer 1

I want to work here because it’s an excellent company, and I believe in what you guys do. I also love that this is a remote company, and my physical location does not limit me. 

Answer 2

I love your company culture and know it would be an excellent fit for me. The team seems fun, collaborative, and hardworking, which also appeals to me. 

Answer 3

The position offers a fantastic opportunity to work with some of the best talents in the industry.

Most importantly, it fits into my career goals very well and will provide invaluable experience on which I can build.

Answer 4

There are many reasons why I want to work at this particular company. 

In this case, I want to join your organization because it has been successful for many years, so I can learn from those who had come before me how they were able to achieve success. 

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Answer 5

Your company has been around for more than (name the years) and has maintained its position at the top of its market, continuing to innovate and evolve with the times. 

Growing alongside such a successful enterprise would give me opportunities other companies couldn’t offer me.

Answer 6

I want to work for you because your mission statement reminds me of myself. 

While the responsibilities may seem daunting or outside my skill set, I am confident that these tasks will become second nature with time and effort. 

Answer 7

When someone asks why do you want to work here? It takes courage to answer honestly. 

So thank you for being open-minded enough to ask tough questions during this interview. 

I am excited about coming on board and making a difference in your organization while learning new skills.

Answer 8

I want to work for this company because I feel like it aligns with the type of environment that suits me best. 

As a person, I care about employees’ personal growth and wellness, which is essential. 

I promote transparency and accountability, which are things that I value highly. 

And your values align closely with mine, challenging each other daily to do better every time we interact. 

If I am fortunate enough to land a job here, I won’t just make contributions as an employee.

Instead, I hope to be a contributing team member and help foster excellence in everything we do together.

Answer 9

What attracts me most about this opportunity is that this appears like a place where there would always be room for growth no matter what level you’re at professionally.

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There are many ways to give a response to an interview question why do you want to work here? 

You can go with any of the answers listed in this guide. Here is another answer we feel might be helpful, and most people use this or recommend it: I am ready for a new adventure. 

I want to move on from my current position and do something more satisfying. 

I have been with the company for a while, and it’s time for me to try something different. 

My work here is done, and now it’s time for me to find a new place where my skills are appreciated.

I hope you find this guide helpful.