Career Advice

What to do with my life – 7 proven answers

  I don’t know what to do with my life!  “If you find yourself saying this, you are not alone. It is common for people to reach a point where they feel stuck or without direction. It can result from poor decision-making or an inability to make decisions at all.”

  “I don’t care what you do for a living. I want to know what you are hurting about, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. How old are you I don’t care. I want to know if you would risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for adventure survival

  Whether we’re graduating from high school, choosing our career path, recovering from heartbreak, being superfluous or entering retirement, we all have a point in our lives where we may not know what to do next.

How do I figure out what to do with my life?

  The answers or solutions we seek vary according to where we are in our lives.  The young graduate will focus on answering this question regarding his future and choosing the right profession.  A person initiating retirement will ask the question with the hope of doing something of value in their life.  A newly divorced young mother will ask this question in hopes that she will find an answer that will enable her to survive another day.

  What do I do with my life?  – This complex situation, professionally or personally, comes across our lives many times at different stages, whether we are teenagers or retired adults – choosing subjects for college or university, getting a job, getting into a relationship or near retirement.  The twisted road ahead can be liberating or frightening, depending on how you approach it.  However, having the right frame of mind and a correct approach to life can lead you down the right path.


What to do with my life

Know that you’re not alone

  Life has a funny way to make you feel alone in your quest to find a goal.  You might have had a breakup, and all of your friends are in relationships.  Maybe you have a job that doesn’t speak to you, and your coworkers are in satisfactory jobs.  Perhaps nothing has ever happened, and you simply feel lost as others pursue their dreams.

  The thing is, you are not alone.  Your boyfriend in the perfect relationship might end his relationship because of the difference in values.  Your colleague on the perfect job might wonder if it’s worth the stress.  And someone who always knows what to do may get off the right track.

Determine what you do not want in life

  Deciding what we want can be difficult.  There are literally an infinite number of choices, and as conscious beings, we tend to suffer from choice overload – a cognitive bias that becomes a mental drain when we have too many options.

  This can lead to procrastination, anxiety, distraction, and a whole host of other unhealthy things.  Most people have something non-productive to lag behind when they feel overwhelmed with options … whether it’s food, video games, internet surfing, social media, naps, etc.

  Instead of starting with what we want, let’s start by defining what we don’t want.  Grab a pen and paper, or open a spreadsheet and create a column titled “Things I Don’t Want.”  Set a timer for 5 minutes and start writing.

Enjoy, explore and discover yourself

  While it is important to have a purpose in life, don’t be so hard on yourself that the whole idea stresses you out.  It is equally important to enjoy the life you lead.  Your goal should be to lead a happy and productive life, both personally and professionally.  Experience closely what life has to offer as it adds to an understanding of the bigger picture.  Travel as much as you can, read as much as you can, talk to people, go out there and explore.

Determine what success means to you

  Success is a relative term; it has a different meaning for different people.  For one person success could be money, while fame could be for others; one of them may consider that he has accomplished something if he has bought his dream home, while the other one believes that his mission in life is accomplished by simply going to the beach, relaxing and reading a book.  Success can be self-fulfillment;  It can also help people achieve it.  The concept of success itself varies greatly.  Therefore, it is important that you understand what success means to you.  Don’t think about it in terms of your parents, friends, colleagues, or society.  Be true to yourself before embarking on life’s journey.

Be patient and the answers will come

  Unfortunately, finding out exactly what you want to do with your life won’t happen overnight.  It’s highly unlikely that you’ll have a blissful moment of extreme clarity and then fully plan your life – if this happens, you are probably in deep denial.  Get out of it and embrace the excitement of your existential crisis.

Get out of your comfort zone

  The best way to find out what you like is to try new things.  If there is something you’ve always cared about but never recognized, this is the perfect time to give it a try and see if it fits your interests and skills.  It’s easy to feel that you have no other options than what you currently do, but by stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things, you can open up to a whole new world of career opportunities and pathways.

Awaken your conscious mind and limit options

  “No one will do your life for you. You have to do it yourself, whether you are rich or poor, with money or from making money, the recipient of ridiculous wealth or terrible injustice … Self-pity is a dead end. You can choose to lead it. It’s up to you.”  You get to decide to stay parked there or turn and drive.

  Life is unpredictable, and the solutions we seek to answer do not always come out well.  There are no rules to follow, and you have to work hard to define your life path when you don’t know what to do in your life.  Awakening our conscious minds to accept our reality and embrace change is one step towards discovering what we need to do next in our lives.


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