Federal Government SkillUp Artisans (SUPA) Training Program for 10 Million Artisans

Federal Government SkillUp Artisans (SUPA) Training Program for 10 Million Artisans

Call for Applications: Federal Government SkillUp Artisans (SUPA) Training Program for 10 Million Artisans

Skill-Up Artisans (SUPA) is a transformative initiative by the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Industrial Training Fund (ITF).

The SkillUp Africa SUPA training program aims to empower, train, and license 10 million young artisans through tech-enabled skills to promote industry standard excellence.

SUPA is in line with global employment trends, which have shifted as a result of the way technology has changed the face of many industries. The preference for white-collar jobs has resulted in a scarcity of qualified Nigerian artisans. SUPA seeks to reverse this trend.

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SUPA is a comprehensive initiative aimed at aiding quality service delivery through the certification and licensing of artisans to promote the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.


  1. To identify, register, and categorize artisans across the different sectors of the economy.
  2. To provide comprehensive Industry 4.0 compliant and certified training programs, including health and safety programmes for various trades such as carpentry, masonry, plumbing, electrical work, and many more.
  3. To enable artisans to access essential tools, equipment, and funds to expand their trades.
  4. To ensure Nigerian artisans are certified, licensed, and operate using standardized methods and practices.
  5. To enhance employment opportunities for artisans in local and international markets.

Eligibility :

  • Be a Nigerian
  • Be ready to acquire any one of the skills offered by the program
  • Be available to participate in the program till the end

Benefits of Skillup SUPA Training Program

  • The SUPA Training Program aims to up-skill, license, and empower 10 million artisans in Nigeria.
  • The program will also grant artisans full access to essential toolkits and promote industry-standard excellence.

How to Apply

Get more details HERE

Register for the program HERE