How to Write an Excellent Personal Statement for Seoul National University
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How to Write an Excellent Personal Statement for Seoul National University

The personal statement is one of the most important parts of your application when applying to Seoul National University.

Personal statements are a way for the admission to get a glimpse of your personality and why you can be admitted into their institution.

Hence, it will form a lasting impression on the admission board either good or bad.

This makes crafting the best personal statements a must for every aspiring student.

This essay gives you a chance to showcase your personality, background, accomplishments, and goals.

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What’s the Purpose of the Personal Statement?

The SNU personal statement serves a specific purpose in your application. The admissions committee wants to learn about you as an individual beyond your academic achievements and test scores.

They want to understand:

  • What motivates and inspires you
  • Your background and major influences
  • Your goals and aspirations
  • How your experiences and attributes will contribute to SNU

Convey your unique story and perspective. Help the admissions committee see you as a whole person.

How to Write an Excellent Personal Statement for Seoul National University

Follow these tips to craft an outstanding personal statement that will impress the Seoul National University admissions committee.

1. Follow the Prompt Instructions Carefully

SNU’s personal statement prompt provides clear instructions on length and content. Read the prompt carefully and follow all guidelines.

Adhere to the word limit, which is typically between 500-1000 words. Failing to follow the instructions could get your application rejected.

2. Brainstorm Topics and Ideas

Before writing, spend time brainstorming meaningful topics and ideas to include in your essay.

Ask yourself:

  • Why do I want to attend SNU specifically?
  • What are my academic interests and how did they develop?
  • What personal experiences have shaped me?
  • What are my goals after graduating from SNU?
  • What unique strengths or abilities can I offer SNU and fellow students?

Make an outline of key themes and stories you want to highlight. This helps organize your essay.

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3. Showcase Your Personality and Individuality

Use your personal statement to give the admissions committee a window into your personality, interests, and individuality.

Share your passions, background, hobbies, challenges overcome or any other details that make you stand out.

Be open and honest. Use vivid examples and anecdotes to demonstrate your points. Admissions want to understand the real you.

4. Explain Your Motivations and Goals

An excellent SNU personal statement provides insight into what motivates you academically and your future goals.

Explain when your interests in your chosen major developed and key experiences that influenced your path.

Discuss specific goals you have for your career and how SNU can help you achieve them.

5. Highlight Relevant Experiences and Accomplishments

What accomplishments show your promise as a future SNU student? Share meaningful experiences like academic awards, internships, research projects, extracurricular involvement, volunteer work, or jobs.

Explain why these experiences are significant. Tie them back to your motivations and goals.

6. Demonstrate Fit With SNU’s Values

Research SNU and reflect on how your own values and aspirations align with the university’s mission and culture.

Express your academic interests and how faculty expertise matches those interests. Explain how you will contribute to a diverse global campus.

Discuss study abroad plans or interest in Korean language/culture. Demonstrate fit beyond just academic pedigree.

7. Exhibit Maturity and Critical Thinking

Admissions committees look for self-awareness, intellect, and maturity. Use your personal statement to demonstrate critical thinking by analyzing your experiences.

Share lessons learned, challenges overcome, or how you’ve grown. Explain how past experiences have shaped your perspectives.

8. Be Original РAvoid Clich̩s

While you want to showcase achievements, avoid clichéd or overused topics that don’t provide insight into who you really are.

Examples include volunteering trips, sports victories, or academic successes without explanation about you. Focus on your individuality.

9. Get Feedback to Improve Your Essay

Ask teachers, mentors, and friends to read your essay and provide candid feedback. What did they learn about you?

What could be improved? Revise your essay to incorporate their suggestions. Proofread thoroughly for typos and errors.

Strong Personal Statement Examples

Here are two example excerpts that demonstrate an engaging and thoughtful personal statement:

Example 1:

“My first computer science class in high school sparked a passion for programming that has driven my academic interests ever since. I was immediately drawn to the creativity involved in coding and problem-solving logic. Participating in hackathons and taking university CS courses have furthered my enthusiasm. My goal is to develop artificial intelligence applications that can improve everyday life. The chance to study at SNU’s renowned College of Engineering and collaborate with professors on cutting-edge research would bring me one step closer to that dream.”

Example 2:

“Moving from Nigeria to Korea for middle school was initially a cultural shock, but immersing myself in Korea’s rich traditions gave me a deeper appreciation for diverse perspectives. My extracurricular activities in dance and music taught me the universal power of artistic expression to unite people across language and cultural barriers. If accepted to SNU, I hope to join clubs that promote cultural exchange while studying business management. I aim to one day launch an international arts foundation that gives young people tools to embrace diversity.”

These examples provide specific details about the students’ interests, motivations, and goals. This helps the admissions committee evaluate fit with SNU.

Do’s and Don’ts For Your Personal Statement


  • Start early and go through multiple drafts
  • Align your statement with SNU’s values and culture
  • Showcase your unique personality and background
  • Proofread for grammar, spelling, and style errors


  • Wait until the last minute
  • Use clichés or generalities that could apply to anyone
  • Exaggerate accomplishments
  • Submit an unedited draft


With thoughtful reflection and meticulous editing, your personal statement can make a compelling case for your admission to Seoul National University.

Emphasize your fit with SNU specifically while staying true to your own story. Let your intellect, maturity, and individuality shine through.

A polished personal statement helps you stand out from other qualified applicants.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Important Is the Personal Statement in Snu Admissions?

The personal statement is a critical part of your SNU application. It allows you to showcase your unique personality and goals beyond just test scores and grades.

A compelling essay can help you stand out during competitive admissions when many applicants have similarly high stats.

Treat the statement as an opportunity to connect with the admissions committee.

Does Snu Have Specific Personal Statement Prompts?

Yes, SNU provides a specific essay prompt with instructions on their admissions website.

Read the prompt very carefully before writing. Follow all guidelines on length and content.

Failure to adhere to the exact prompt shows lack of attention to detail.

Should I Address My Weaknesses or Failures in My Statement?

In general, the statement should focus on your strengths, accomplishments, passions, and goals.

However, discussing challenges you’ve faced and lessons learned can demonstrate maturity if framed properly.

Just don’t dwell on the negatives. Emphasize your achievements.

How Do I Make My Statement Unique?

Distinguish yourself by sharing personal experiences, culture, background, interests, and goals that make you stand out.

Use vivid examples and anecdotes. Tie your goals back to specific aspects of SNU that match them. Show why you’re a great fit beyond just academics.

Should I Mention My Career Interests and Goals?

Yes, you can briefly discuss your intended major and career aspirations. Explain when these interests developed and how your goals align with SNU’s strengths.

Don’t just state general interests in a major – demonstrate passion by citing related experiences.

Do I Need to Relate My Experiences Back to Korea or SNU?

It’s highly recommended to demonstrate your interest in Korean language, culture, academics, or other aspects of SNU.

Mention any related experiences like travel, Korean friends, cultural groups, or academics.

Show why you’re excited to engage with SNU’s community specifically.

Who Should Review My Statement Draft?

Ask teachers, mentors, friends, and families to read your essay and give feedback.

They can catch errors and provide an outside perspective on how your statement portrays you.

Revise carefully based on their suggestions before submitting.

Is It Okay to Reuse My Common App Personal Statement?

No, create an entirely new statement just for SNU. The SNU prompt is very targeted.

Your Common App statement will likely not address the right topics for SNU. Show your interest in their university specifically.

Should I Submit Right on the Deadline?

Submit your application as early as possible, including your personal statement.

Applying late, especially in the final week, increases chances of errors or missed documents.

Strive to submit by at least 2 weeks before the deadline.

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What Makes a Bad Personal Statement?

Vague generalities, clichés, grammatical errors, inappropriate humor, exaggerations, and anything that violates prompt guidelines can ruin your statement.

Lack of proofreading and waiting until the last minute can also lead to a poor essay. Follow directions and tell your unique story.