Salesforce Entry Level Jobs - NewBalancejobs
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Salesforce Entry Level Jobs

Salesforce entry level jobs are more than just a job – it’s an opportunity to shape the future.    Certification is a must-have for Salesforce administrators who are eagerly searching for jobs.  This is especially true for Salesforce beginners.  Although you may have taken exams in the past, don’t think that you will easily pass the Salesforce Admin Certification Exam.  This is definitely a test that you’ll want to study, practice, and prepare for in advance in any case.

Is it hard to get a job at Salesforce?

  There is no doubt that the Salesforce economy is booming.  From 2019 to 2024, IDC predicts that 4.2 million new jobs will be created in the Salesforce ecosystem.  This means that there is ample opportunity to start a new career in one of the most exciting industries out there.  Classically speaking, switching careers can come with significant barriers to entry, as well as the potential sacrifice of salary.  However, Salesforce has made it easy to change your career as much as possible: all it takes is time, dedication, and a proper Salesforce Certification.

Is Salesforce a good career in 2021?

  There has been an issue with sourcing for Salesforce Professionals for as long as I can remember, there aren’t enough Salesforce Professionals to fill the available roles.  Salesforce puts an enormous amount of effort into improving the skills of as many new professionals as possible, because without a new supply of talent it is difficult to grow the entire ecosystem.  While young talents are always in less demand than older people, once you have more than two years of experience under your belt, you’ll start seeing emails from recruiters on a weekly basis!

  It is no secret that Salesforce Entry Level Jobs are among the highest paid entry level jobs in the world.  Systems like Salesforce are at the heart of a thriving business, and if you can help people navigate the system and make sure it runs smoothly, you will be well compensated.  Plus, the lack of supply means employers are willing to pay more to secure Salesforce Professionals.

  Salesforce has been and always will be the cloud company first, which means that most roles in the space have the potential to be remote.  Additionally, Salesforce itself has one of the best company cultures in the world and promotes well-being and a positive work-life balance in its ecosystem.  This means that a lot of companies like to promote similar values.  Check out our Salesforce Happiness Survey results to learn more.


Salesforce entry level jobs

1.    End-user roles

  The most common type of role falls within companies that buy Salesforce and then need internal resources to support the system.  This might range from a single Salesforce admin in a small company, to a team of 100 or more that includes administrators, business analysts, developers, and architects at a company that uses Salesforce for its 10,000 users.  Let’s look at some of the roles …

2.    Salesforce admin

An individual who helps the company get the most out of Salesforce, expanding functionality with “clicks, not code.”  Administrators focus on ensuring the system works for its users, building functionality based on new requirements, fixing bugs, and training users.  If you are not from an IT background, becoming an administrator is a great place to start.  Read all about how to become a Salesforce admin on the Salesforce Careers page.

3.    Salesforce Developer

 An individual extending the functionality of the Salesforce platform with code.  Developers can be used for more complex business requirements where standard functions do not solve them.  Developers can also integrate with other systems using API or Middleware.  If you have any prior programming experience, becoming a developer is a great place to start.  Read all about how to become a Salesforce developer on the Salesforce careers page.

4.    Salesforce Marketer

 If the company is using a Salesforce marketing product, then an individual will be required to run marketing campaigns and improve performance.  Salesforce has two major marketing products, Marketing Cloud & Pardot.  If you come from a marketing background, this is a great place to start.  Read all about how to become a Salesforce marketer on the Salesforce careers page.

5.    Consulting roles

  Another common type of role exists within organizations that helps fulfill Salesforce for customers the first time they purchase them.  A good understanding of business analysis and technical knowledge is needed in order to effectively deploy Salesforce in the organization.  Arguably, advisory roles have a greater barrier to entry, as clients will pay high prices for your expertise.  Usually, previous experience is required, however, many consultants hire juniors for training.

6.    Salesforce Business Analyst

 The individual who will look at company operations, discover what works, and what doesn’t, in order to create user requirements for the Salesforce implementation.  This role is often associated with a combination of the role of a career counselor, with the individual taking on both responsibilities.  Read all about how to become a Salesforce Business Analyst on the Salesforce careers page.

7.    Salesforce Career Consultant

 An individual skilled at implementing Salesforce and its many features.  You will take the user requirements and translate them into the Salesforce solutions that will be implemented next.  It usually uses the “point and click” function, and thus requires no coding.  They will also sometimes be responsible for gathering further requirements and providing user training.  This role is well suited for someone with previous experience in a consulting position.  Read all about how to become a Salesforce consultant on the Salesforce careers page.

8.    Salesforce Architect

 Although this role can be found within the end user, it is usually associated with consulting.  This individual is expected to understand the business process and Salesforce products from the inside out.  They will be responsible for overseeing complex solutions and ensuring their success.  Read all about how to become a Salesforce consultant on the Salesforce careers page.


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