Why your key fob does not work after replacing the battery

Why your key fob does not work after replacing the battery

One of your key tasks is to keep your vehicle running at peak performance as a car owner. Because most modern cars use many electronic control units, if there are problems with electronic equipment, your vehicle will not run. So, why your key fob does not work after replacing the battery?

Electronic car keys, often known as key fobs, are necessary for controlling your vehicle’s operations. From a distance, you may control your vehicle’s door lock, trunk, alarm system, power windows, and, of course, start the engine. 

All of the functions that your vehicle key fob can accomplish are dependent on the level of programming that your key fob has. It can be frustrating when your key fob stops working after you’ve replaced the battery

So what role does a Toyota key fob battery play? A battery (either it can be recharged or not) or an electric current power all electronic gadgets. However, battery-powered electronics are susceptible to a flat battery after extended use. 

A vehicle key fob, which is fueled by a small lithium battery, is the same. The battery is key to interacting with the switch modules placed in your vehicle. You may discover that your key fob is having issues at some time, such as difficulty locking or unlocking your vehicle doors. 

The poor battery in the key fob may be to blame. A signal failure from the key fob is also possible, making it extremely difficult to locate it. In this article, we will tell you why it doesn’t work after replacing the battery.

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Why your key fob doesn’t work after replacing the battery ans steps to take

Once you’ve determined that your Toyota key fob battery is weak, you’ll need to purchase a new replacement battery. 

Because most key fobs do not function correctly once the battery is replaced, the methods below will show you how to effortlessly reset your key fob. It’s worth noting that various car brands have different methods for quickly resetting their key fobs.

However, the procedure you’ll learn about here is deemed the most generic and simple way, and it works for almost all vehicle brands. If the procedure doesn’t function for your vehicle, you’ll need to look up specific instructions for resetting your Toyota key fob battery.

Change the Weak Battery

If you discover that the key fob is malfunctioning as a result of a weak or dead battery, you should change it as soon as possible. When you reboot your key fob, a faulty battery might cause significant headaches and confusion. 

The batteries are usually inexpensive, simple to change, and readily available. Furthermore, replacing the battery is as simple as lifting the plastic cover on the back of the key fob. When replacing the battery, remember to avoid contacting the key fob circuit and keep the battery’s positive and negative orientation in memory.

Enter your vehicle

Once you’ve changed the battery, get in your car and shut all the doors. This is because leaving your doors open may trigger the key fob’s reset process to be disrupted.

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Switch On Your Vehicle’s Ignition System

Once you’re situated properly in the vehicle and all doors are closed, switch on the vehicle’s electrical (ignition) system without starting the engine. 

Keep in mind

If your engine isn’t operating, make sure the ignition isn’t set to radio mode.

The Lock Button

After completing the third step, press and hold the lock button on the key fob while the car key is in place and the engine is in the ignition mode, then shut the vehicle key off. 

Repeat the previous steps three to four times more, finishing with the key in the ignition on position. This procedure notifies your vehicle’s electrical control unit that the key is in the ignition position, and the signal transmitted out is kept in the ECU.

Pay heed to The Vehicle’s Lock Sound

Once you’ve completed the steps outlined above, you should hear a lock sound. You’ve entered the programming mode for the vehicle’s key fob when you detect the lock sound. 

After you’ve heard this sound and confirmed that the key is in programming mode, push the fob’s lock button for another five seconds. All of the needed details will be saved, and the programming will be completed.

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We’ve come to the end of our why your key fob does not work after replacing the battery and steps to take to correct that. So, after you have followed all the steps to reset your key fob battery above, the next step to take is to program additional remotes.

Just press the key fob for ten seconds and then switch off the vehicle’s ignition system and test run the Toyota key fob battery you just reset

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