Is It Possible to Combine Work and Study? - NewBalancejobs
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Is It Possible to Combine Work and Study?

Is It Possible to Combine Work and Study?

For most students having a job at college is a necessity. Many young people decide to work while studying. Why? Let’s discuss it in detail.

First of all, working while in college helps to avoid debt. Student loans are often the only way to get higher education. However, it may be hard to pay it off after graduation. But if you make money at college, you can deal with part of the debt as soon as possible. Eventually, you will graduate from your institutions with minimal financial obligations.

Also, a job allows learners to get valuable experience that may come in handy in their careers. It’s not a secret that employers look for experienced people to hire, so that they start generating some income almost immediately. Hence, if you are searching for a job, pick something that is closer to your future career. You should learn as many things as possible about the job, so you have valuable experience under your belt. 

Those who have at least a part-time job can develop better time-management skills. There are too many things to juggle, so one must be really good at it. Now that you realize the benefits of having a job at college, you are probably wondering how to combine these two.

Use online assignment assistants

College life may feel like a burden on your shoulders. Multiple assignments, frequent tests and everyday classes in addition to job duties make it really hard to succeed. That’s why you should turn to special services for help. Luckily, there are a lot of online companies where you can pay for essay and get your paper done in just a few days or even hours. By using the help of assignment assistants, you will decrease your workload. What’s more, it will make your stress levels lower.

Consider a part-time job

Working full-time may be too much for you. To cover your study expenses and make some pocket money, you should consider flexible part-time jobs that give you an opportunity to make your own schedule. It can be anything from being a waiter to working in customer support. Many bars and restaurants, as well as call centers, welcome students. Those are great places to gain valuable work experience. Most importantly, you should consider positions in your field of interest, not just those obvious options.

Go for an online degree

Due to the pandemic, distance learning has become more widespread. It promotes flexibility and makes life much easier. If you are getting a degree online, you don’t need to spend much time on your way to campus and back. Instead, this time can be spent on your work. The good thing is that there are a lot of opportunities to earn both Bachelor and Master degrees without even attending a college. Almost every institution offers online programs nowadays, so check them out!

Find an internship

Internships don’t require as much effort as a full-time job. Usually, companies don’t give as many tasks to interns as to regular employees. Since you have less responsibility, you can be focused on your education. This way, you will not fall behind with the studies. So you can basically kill two birds with one stone: gain valuable work experience and earn a degree. By the way, many companies that provide internship opportunities also give interns a chance to get hired.

Prioritize your duties

It’s extremely important to set the right priorities in order to achieve your goals. If you feel that getting a degree is more important than making money, then you should postpone your work during an exam period. But if education is not your top priority, then you should devote as much time as possible to your job responsibilities. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to prioritize, it’s completely up to you what tasks to place on the top of your to-do list.

Maximize your personal effectiveness

To manage both studies and work, you must be really effective. Unfortunately, not all people know how to boost their productivity, so they can’t complete all their duties. So how to maximize your effectiveness? First of all, it’s about planning. Create a schedule of daily tasks and do your best to stick to it. You should also rest well in order to be effective. It’s impossible to be productive if your body and brain haven’t recovered from hard work. Psychologists say that the best results can be achieved only in a relaxed state.

Final thoughts

Naturally, combining work and study is not easy at all. But it’s possible! If you are good at prioritizing, distance learning and maximizing your effectiveness, you will definitely deal with everything.

Author’s BIO

Helen Birk is a career coach and tutor. She works mainly with graduates helping them build a successful career. Helen believes that everybody needs support to achieve big goals fast and easily.