IP Address Banned: Why Is My IP Address Banned – All You Need to Know 

IP Address Banned: Why Is My IP Address Banned – All You Need to Know 

An IP address is an identifying number your ISP assigns to your device (Internet Service Provider).

Every online device has a specific IP address that is specific to that device. You can think of it as a virtual license plate.

Each IP address is unique to the device issued and includes user information.

Because an IP address contains information about the connection’s origin, it can be used to identify a specific location.

This makes it possible for websites to restrict access to material for users in particular geographical areas.

This leads to us discuss on why is my IP Address Banned and all you need to know: Read on to find out more.

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What Is IP Address Banning

Another name for IP address banning is IP address blocking. This network service setup rejects requests from hosts with particular IP addresses.

In reality, IP address blocking is frequently used to stop access from disruptive addresses and thwart brute-force attacks.

This service may also restrict travel to or from a specific location. The IP prohibited capability is accessible on numerous computers using a host file.

Unix-like operating systems frequently use a TCP wrapper to accomplish IP address blocking.

Why Is My IP Address Banned?

Your online activities are linked to your location via your specific IP address.

When a platform or website wants to restrict user access, it will block the user’s IP address, so they cannot log in even if they alter their username or email address.

Although blocking an IP address is a security measure that maintains order on the internet, it can be annoying when it occurs to you.

If a website owner believes your behavior is risky or inappropriate, they have the power to limit your access to that page.

The ban imposes certain restrictions that are deemed appropriate and are used as a measure to ensure security for the website and its users.

Your IP address may be blocked for a variety of reasons, but the following are the most typical ones:

  1. Violating a provider’s terms of use
  2. Having multiple accounts under the same IP address
  3. Restricting access from your location
  4. Establishing confidentiality
  5. Restraining access from an IP address containing a virus
  6. Preventing fraudulent transactions

How to Tell if Your IP Address is Banned From a Website

A website will notify you when it blocks your IP address. When you attempt to enter the site, you may see this notification.

Instead of the landing page, a message such as The owner of this website has blocked your IP address from accessing this website will appear on the screen.

Customer service may also send you an email advising you of the prohibition.

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How to Get Unbanned From a Website

The method for lifting the restriction depends on the reason you were initially suspended.

It would help to remove any viruses on your IP address before the restriction is relaxed.

Consider the following remedies if you broke the terms of service or if your access is limited because of where you are:

Change IP Address

It’s easy to fix the “your IP has been blocked” problem by changing your current IP address. On Windows-based devices, follow these procedures to accomplish that.

Step 1

Right-click a Windows desktop icon and select the Run option from the context menu.

Step 2

Type ipconfig /release into the pop-up box and press Enter.

Step 3

In the prompted window, type ipconfig /renew and hit Enter to execute the command.

Use a VPN

Your information is sent to the virtual private network (VPN) server, where it is encrypted, hidden, and then sent back to you.

Websites will therefore identify the address of the VPN you are using rather than your IP address if you use a VPN.

As a result, you can pick the country or area you want to use when browsing a website.

Utilize a Proxy Server

By using a proxy server, you can also get rid of the message “your IP has been banned there was recaptcha stupid.” It effectively resolves the problem.

Clearing your cache, making a new account, or reinstalling the application will help you fix the user account ban.

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Now you understand what it means to have your IP banned and how you can get unbanned from websites.

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