How to Learn to Love - NewBalancejobs

How to Learn to Love

Love is a topic much talked about yet less understood. However, since love is one of the most necessities, no matter how fast we are moving, it bumps into our lives or at least tries to burrow through.

To understand love better, we can see a place for self-love, platonic love, familial love, and love in a romantic relationship.

We’ll be going over self-love as the source from which all the others survive. However, these tips can be applied in all scenarios.

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This is the most important, and you can only love others when you’ve first loved yourself. Here’s how to show yourself love

First, Accept Yourself

You are your first audience for good loving, like practice. To accept yourself in all your beauty and flaws is to know there is only one you, and that’s the point. Nobody else can be like you, so there is no need for comparison

Forgive Yourself

We are usually more critical of ourselves than others. We usually blame and hold ourselves to high standards that prevent us from giving our all.

Spend Time With Yourself

You should be your best friend first before other best friends. Enjoying your company is a great of self-love.

A journal is an excellent way to get to know yourself better. Almost like you’re on a date with yourself.

Self-Awareness Is a Tremendous Gift to Yourself

You’ll be able to write out your thoughts and events during your day and how they affected you, plus what you want to change or improve.

Give Yourself the Grace to Fail

Failure is one of the ways to learn really quickly and so well that it sticks. When we try so hard to do everything perfectly, we do not allow ourselves to learn

Let Go of Past Mistakes

If you are not new to this love game and feel like, “Hey, I did all these, and look where it got me,” this is a valid feeling.

You’ll have to revert to the first tip again and then release it so you can move ahead.

Remember, it is not a one-time thing, and you can keep going over it till you’re healed of the hurt.

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How to Learn to Love in Different Relationships

1. Platonic love and familial love

Platonic love is the love as regards friends. This term, friend, shouldn’t be used too loosely. While familial love has to do with family and is a bit dicier

Create Boundaries

You will only be able to do this successfully if you know who you are and what you can accept from someone else being in your life.

Our boundaries should be stated clearly and adhered to by both parties.

Boundaries are not good enough reasons to build walls, though. It is also not the time to avoid compromise and sacrifice on both ends. To learn to love is to learn to sacrifice


As much as trust is earned, not given, there still has to be that first point of being able to give someone else a part of yourself.

It is up to them to be trustworthy, but you have to trust first if the love grows. The point of trust is why original self-love is so important.

Be Vulnerable

The point above gives rise to this point. Love requires you to open up.

You will be giving and receiving time, attention, and other material and immaterial things, and these things cannot be given or received if you are not willing to open up.

Emotional baggage will weigh you down, and it’s nice to let someone you trust help. See a therapist help you deal with trauma and hurt if need be.

Your ability to handle these properly will generally manifest in any romantic relationship.

2. Romantic Love

This is the first that comes to most minds when love is spoken of; here are ways to learn to love:

Communicate Effectively

Communication is one of the best ways to learn to love quickly. You ask the person how they feel they want to be loved.

When you’re genuine about it, the person will be eager to respond and give their best.

Be willing to understand

We are all very different with distinct backgrounds, and understanding this will save us a lot of energy that goes into negativity.

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