What Does A Housing Navigator Do? Salary, Job Description, and More - NewBalancejobs
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What Does A Housing Navigator Do? Salary, Job Description, and More

A specialist who assists people in locating and securing affordable housing is called a housing navigator.

They might help homeless people or families living in unsanitary conditions or having difficulty making ends meet.

When assisting clients in identifying their requirements and objectives for locating new accommodation, housing navigators frequently work one-on-one with them.

This can entail assisting them in creating a budget, finding nearby services that can aid with rent payments, etc.

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How to Become a Housing Navigator

A career as a housing guide can be very satisfying.

It’s an excellent strategy to assist those battling homelessness, or housing instability locate the tools they require to get back on their feet.

You must be thoroughly aware of the local housing market and how it affects people in various circumstances if you want to work as a housing navigator.

Additionally, you’ll need to be able to put clients in touch with the appropriate resources for their needs.

Government initiatives, charitable institutions, and other services that can aid people in locating secure homes may fall under this category.

Housing Navigator Job Duties

Housing navigators are charged with a variety of duties, some of which include:

  • Keeping clients informed of the status of their applications at each stage of the process
  • Providing clients with guidance on all housing-related concerns, including landlord-tenant disputes and housing discrimination
  • Assisting people with disabilities in locating appropriate, inexpensive housing that satisfies their needs
  • Assisting families with low incomes to apply for federal housing programs like Section 8 or public housing
  • Collaborating with other service providers to make sure that customers get all the assistance they require
  • Assessing clients’ homes to see if their current living arrangements are secure, healthy, and suitable for their requirements
  • Putting together a strategy for clients to address their housing needs over time
  • Assisting customers in locating financial resources that are accessible to them through federal government aid programs, community organizations, and other options
  • Assisting clients in recognizing and resolving any potential issues with their current housing situation

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Housing Navigator Salary 

Salary ranges for housing navigators depend on their level of education, years of experience, size and location of the organization they work for, as well as other factors. Bonuses are another possible kind of compensation for them.

  • Median Annual Salary: $52,570 ($25.27/hour)
  • Top 10% Annual Salary: $124,000 ($59.62/hour)

Housing Navigator Job Requirements

The following credentials are often required for a housing navigator:


The standard educational prerequisite for housing navigators is a bachelor’s degree in social work, public health, urban planning, or a closely related discipline.

Coursework in these programs includes topics including social welfare policy, human behavior, and community organization.

Training & Experience

During their initial few weeks or months of employment, housing navigators often undergo on-the-job training. The training could involve:

  • Observing an experienced housing navigator or supervisor in action.
  • Learning about the policies and practices of the organization.
  • Completing any required paperwork.

Certifications & Licenses

Some companies can demand that navigators pass a certification exam to demonstrate their familiarity with the neighborhood and its resources.

Housing Navigator Skills

The following abilities are necessary for housing navigators to succeed:


You might be expected to speak with customers on the phone, in person, or via email while working as a housing navigator.

Additionally, you might have to interact with other experts, including real estate agents, bankers, and landlords.


Housing navigators frequently use organizational abilities to manage client files and documentation.

They might employ organizational skills to keep their office tidy and arrange client education materials.

Time Management

You can prioritize things and finish them quickly with time management abilities.

One of your many duties as a housing navigator may be to assist clients in finding housing.


Your ability to recognize problems and provide solutions depends on your problem-solving skills.

As a housing navigator, you may assist clients in overcoming obstacles.

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As a housing navigator, there are various possibilities to enhance your career.

You can advance within your company, take on managerial responsibilities, or launch your own housing navigation company.

Additionally, you can earn certification as a certified housing professional or counselor.