Executive job search Tips: How to secure jobs fast - NewBalancejobs
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Executive job search Tips: How to secure jobs fast

Executive job search – You are an executive who finds yourself among professional engagements.  In today’s fast-paced market, this situation is not rare.  So how do you find your next opportunity when companies don’t often post or advertise C-suite and vice president jobs?

 Executive job search can be a long process.  As you get older, there are fewer and fewer chances that you will likely be an attractive next step.  Meanwhile, the competition for each opportunity becomes stronger and stronger.

  10% or less of the jobs at the executive level is provided by job boards.  It is true that most companies prefer not to hire CEOs who come through the job board app.  Due to the level of company responsibility entrusted to the executives, unknown online applicants are rarely rated as highly as referrals or all-star candidates targeted by the recruiting company.  Most of these jobs are never posted on job boards.

What are some job search strategies?

  Job boards are still a good starting point, however.  If anything, it’s the most direct information about where the opportunity is.  Even if you choose not to place an application through a job board, seeing a job listing can show you where you should direct your networking efforts.  Who do you know in the company?  What interlinkages do you share with the key decision makers?

  The beginning of the New Year can naturally start a period of self-reflection and a new motivation for self-improvement.  A dreaded year-end review is often a catalyst for executives who feel they must move forward in their careers or are not being fairly compensated for their work.  For many executives, the last quarter of the year can help provide the clarity and motivation needed to begin your search for an executive job.

  But before starting your research, it is imperative to devise a strategic plan to maximize your time and efforts: the two most valuable goods for a CEO.  Executives who have been out of work for more than a year and are looking for jobs face two big challenges: They compete with working professionals, as well as applicants who have been out of work for less time.

  But the year isn’t an unusually long downtime for executives.  The average duration of unemployment for them is nine to 12 months.  Executives take longer, on average, because they often have non-competitive clauses in their termination agreements that prevent them from working for a competitor for a year; there are fewer executive jobs than non-executive jobs and employers are slowly screening these candidates because they are expensive.


Executive job search Tips

·         Use wisely your previous company’s network

  You should already be using social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn.  Most people limit their social networks to personal goals only.  Now is the time to use it to get a job for yourself!  If you connected to executives at your previous company through LinkedIn, you can mine their networks to reach executives at other companies in your industry.  This way you can save your time and efforts and give you access to companies that are familiar and respectful of your previous company.

  You can also consider using RSS Feeds to comb the web for important and relevant information in your industry.  It usually takes a lot of time to comb the web, however, when you use an RSS feed to comb the web; you are using technology to help you save valuable time.

·         Switch to the currently demanded positions

  Many jobs are lost today due to technological advancements and thanks to software that can do you more effectively and relatively quickly.  If the job you lost in your field isn’t coming back, you should think hard about changing your career.

  You need to know where to order and what jobs you might be interested in.  You can search for a list of hot current jobs at careervoyages.com and choose the one you will be comfortable with and want to pursue more.

·         Find your target employers and industry

  With your list of targeted employers in hand, spend time researching all of them.  Identify their current situation and needs that you are uniquely qualified to help meet.  Additionally, researching market information about your industry and target employers is your due diligence.

·         Keep your CV up-to-date and easy to use

  By keeping your LinkedIn profile up-to-date and resuming it, you can submit within seconds.  When you keep your CV updated, you can even get some freelance work or work on some side projects while looking for a full-time job.

  Don’t be in a situation where you might not be able to find a copy of your updated CV when you need it.  Always keep an updated file of your CV in a place where it is easy to find.  Also, if you need to customize a resume to show a specific skill for a specific position, it should be stored in a computer that you would normally use.

·         Be known for your success

  It may sound obvious but the more successful you are, the more likely you are to be contacted by a research company.  Easy to find (in a good way) the perfect people.  Unfortunately, it is not enough to consider yourself successful.  What matters is what other people think of you.  Your colleagues, your former colleagues, your competitors.  Are there enough people who would recommend you and suggest your name if asked for their opinion?

·         Prepare your executive interview answers

  As one would expect, executive interviews are full of challenging questions for potential candidates to navigate, and test your ability to perform under pressure.  Executives are often asked tricky questions, including those related to career failure.  Be open and honest, but make sure you can demonstrate your ability to learn from mistakes and improve your decision-making skills.  You may also be asked about your reasons for leaving your last job.  Again, it is important to be honest, but professional.  Research and list potential executive interview questions, and exercise your answers to boost your chances of success.


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