Does UPS Reuse Tracking Numbers - NewBalancejobs

Does UPS Reuse Tracking Numbers

Tracking a package is done modernly with ease, often taken for granted. UPS isn’t any different.

For it to be easier for you to track any package, you must be sure you use a tracking number. But does UPS reuse tracking numbers?

In this article, we will talk more about the UPS reuse for tracking numbers, so keep reading to be enlightened more. 

Read on as we throw more light on this.


Does UPS Reuse Tracking Numbers 

Yes, the UPS is being made to reuse tracking numbers to stay updated with the massive volume of packages that it handles. 

Sometimes the population of these numbers will track down the information to a past date before the new packages are being launched.

So when talking about the tracking of these numbers, it stays longer, like 120 days it is recycled, this is especially is being determined by the package volume. 

The Activeness Of The UPS Tracking Numbers 

Your definition determines the activeness of this number—the easier way of how active the tracking number is and how the number populated the tracking information. 

This makes us conclude that the numbers can be active just for 120 days.

After the 120 days, when using the UPS tracking page, it will not give you the necessary tracking number of those packages again, but it will pop up this notification: 

The UPS will no longer be able to locate the shipment details of the tracking number because the details are just available for shipment during 120 days intervals.

Then you will see a message for you to verify your information during that process. 

When this notification pops up, if you are trying to process the package of the new brand, maybe something you have ordered, or you are just tracking the number of things you have received. 

If you are being notified of this message concerning the latest package when processing the tracking, you don’t have to be afraid.

Your package is intact; you don’t have to be scared because your tracking information might come up with notifications that commonly occurred, especially some years back. 

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Your Old UPS Tracking Numbers 

Do you know that UPS delivers close to 21 million packages daily, so it will be challenging for the company to have billions of tracking numbers that will be unique to meet up the demand of their customers? 

Knowing this would help you understand that UPS can still do something with the tracking numbers and companies that recycle them. 

The tracking number you have gotten from UPS might not be unique because there is a personal number to identify those forgotten ones. 

Rather than tracking the numbers because of the inactiveness from 18 months to 2 years, it depends on how the UPS is handling the packages that would be recycled for another package. 

Each shipper has a unique code for it to be in mathematical forms as the code has six digits of the 16 digits of the tracking number. 

The UPS helps to keep three digits of the 16 digits for tracking the service code by checking up the digit.

This allows the shippers to generate another unique tracking number if they are using UPS 7 digits out of the original 16 digits. 

The shippers have the UPS system with seven unique digits equivalent to a million packages.

It begins to recycle when the shippers have sent beyond a million packages using the UPS. 

UPS Changing Of Numbers 

In some limited circumstances, the numbers used for the tracking are changed. 

Reasons for the tracking number, when changed after the package is in transit.

  • A returned package after they were unable to deliver the package because they missed to attempts the delivery, not claimed after five days interval, etc.
  • When using the UPS the next day, use the air for the early-mid shipment. There is a postal delivery when the shipping company crosses the border of an international shipping company. 

Maybe you are afraid or thinking your package number can change; you can easily reach out to the sender for better clarification. 

SEE ALSO: Does UPS Run Background Check?


As earlier stated, the UPS is being made to reuse tracking numbers to stay updated with the massive volume of packages that it handles. 

This article was written to give you in-depth knowledge about does UPS reuse tracking numbers, and we believe this piece has answered that question perfectly.

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